A WordPress hosting provider offers agencies the ability to manage multiple sites seamlessly through a managed, intuitive dashboard. The provider also helps agencies keep up with the core client’s web hosting needs, i.e., excellent uptime, robust security, and high performance.

Major hosting platforms, such as Kinsta, Cloudways, or A2 Hosting, offer agency-specific plans. Their Agency Partner programs provide multiple benefits, including lower costs, improved reliability, robust security, white labeling (client’s brand), free CDN and SSL, top-notch support, and much more. Through these platforms, agencies keep their clients happy with a centralized approach. The goal of using a WordPress hosting partner is to help agencies win their clients’ trust through multi-level site management and consequently grow their business.

Geekflare has researched and chosen the best WordPress hosting platforms for agencies, keeping these criteria in mind: ease of use, ability to manage multiple sites, support, staging area availability, SSL & CDN availability, and security.

You can trust Geekflare

Imagine the satisfaction of finding just what you needed. We understand that feeling, too, so we go to great lengths to evaluate freemium, subscribe to the premium plan if required, have a cup of coffee, and test the products to provide unbiased reviews! While we may earn affiliate commissions, our primary focus remains steadfast: delivering unbiased editorial insights, and in-depth reviews. See how we test.

1. Kinsta

Kinsta is a premium WordPress hosting provider with a detailed Agency Partner program. It excels at handling high-traffic websites or agencies’ demands to manage multiple high-ticket clients with complete satisfaction.

<img alt="Kinsta" data-src="https://kirelos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/echo/Kinsta.png" decoding="async" height="389" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”1082″>

Kinsta’s unique selling point is the use of Google Cloud Platform’s Tier Network. With the robust infrastructure of 35 data centers, 275 CDN PoPs, and fast server-level Edge Caching, your clients get low website loading time. Scalability is also easy, as is the ability to add containers with dedicated resources.

Kinsta Features

  • Offers unlimited free migrations for your clients.
  • Free SSL with automatic renewals, ensuring secure transfers.
  • Access to an intuitive MyKinsta dashboard with optimization and customization tools.
  • Staging environment for experimenting/fixing bugs/adding features without affecting the live site.
  • Unlimited team members to help you manage clients.
  • White label to attach your brand to the hosting.
  • Smart management tools such as site renaming, site transfer, site labeling.

Kinsta Pros

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Optimized for WordPress performance

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Unlimited free migrations for clients

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    White-label solutions

Kinsta Cons

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Expensive, only suited for agencies that serve premium clients

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    No email hosting and free domain

Kinsta Pricing

Kinsta offers three Agency plans:

Subscription Pricing (Monthly) Offerings
Business 3 $340 20 WordPress installs, 400,000 visits, 50 GB storage, 800GB CDN
Business 4 $450 40 WordPress installs, 600,000 visits, 100 GB storage, 1200GB CDN
Enterprise $675 60 WordPress installs, 1,000,000 visits, 150 GB storage, 2000GB CDN

Try Kinsta

2. ScalaHosting

ScalaHosting Agency hosting invites web hosting studios to take advantage of its modern infrastructure, which is ideal for managing multiple clients through its custom SPanel. It is a cheaper alternative to cPanel/WHM, which has high operating charges.

<img alt="Scalehosting" data-src="https://kirelos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/echo/Scalehosting.png" decoding="async" height="441" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”975″>

ScalaHosting doesn’t have any agency-specific features. You can choose any one of the available ScalaHosting services. However, we recommend checking out WordPress Hosting and Reseller Hosting (the closest to the Agency plan but non-managed).

As for data centers, they offer native infrastructure in Dallas, US, New York, and Sofia, EU. Additionally, it supports AWS data centers, giving you access to a global data center fleet.

Additionally, ScalaHosting is an appealing choice for agency owners due to its custom-developed solution, including:

  • SPanel: An easy-to-use interface to manage sites and servers with support for custom branding.
  • SWordPress Manager: Helps manage multiple clients with features such as 1-click WordPress installs, automatic updates, cloning and staging, Security LOCK, and Admin password reset.
  • SSHield Security Guard: Protects client’s website with 100% automated built-in AI to detect malware.

ScalaHosting Features

  • Free WordPress Migration (available in WordPress Managed hosting).
  • 24/7 expert technical support.
  • Free SSL certificates.
  • Reseller accounts include cPanel/WHM with SPanel available on the highest plan.
  • Priority support, branding, and White label (on Reseller Entry Cloud plan only).

ScalaHosting Pros

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    A custom-developed solution including SPanel, SWordPress Manager, and Shield

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Excellent infrastructure with native and AWS data centers

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    24/7 customer support, making it ideal for agencies

ScalaHosting Cons

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    No dedicated agency plan

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Does not provide a website builder

ScalaHosting Pricing

Reseller plans on ScalaHosting are regarded as being closest to agency-level plans.

Subscription Pricing (Monthly) Offerings
Scala1 $17.90 Shared CPU & RAM, 25 GB SSD, daily backups, free SSL certificate, cPanel/WHM included
Scala2 $35.95 50 GB SSD with everything in Scala1
Scala3 $49.95 75 GB SSD with everything in Scala2
Entry Cloud $34.95 Dedicated resources, 50 GB NVMe SSD, SPanel, daily backups, dedicated IP address, real-time malware protection, branding & Whitelabel and priority support.

Out of all the agency plans, the Entry Cloud plan is recommended as it offers branding, white label, and priority support.

Try ScalaHosting

3. WPEngine

WPEngine Agency plan brings value and better margins to your business with agency-focused features, including priority technical support, brand referrals, special discount pricing, and more.

<img alt="WPEngine" data-src="https://kirelos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/echo/WPEngine.png" decoding="async" height="366" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”843″>

Agencies benefit from WPEngine’s professional infrastructure from leading cloud providers such as Google Cloud Services (GCS), Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Servers (AWS), and Atlas. With multiple choices, agencies are given access to multiple data centers worldwide, offering optimal speed and performance to their clients.

WPEngine’s managed WordPress hosting’s key features include EverCache (proprietary WordPress Cache), Global CDN, DDoS protection, and managed WAF and Local WordPress development support. They also carry out annual SOC 2 audits and ISO 270001 certification.

WPEngine Features

  • Pro-active security with threat blocking.
  • 24/7 advanced priority technical support with a dedicated partner success manager.
  • Provides client leads looking for development and design.
  • Access to Genesis framework for SEO-optimized WordPress development.
  • Daily backups and free auto-renewal SSLs.
  • Fine-tuned cart-friendly caching (available in eCommerce Solutions: Growth).
  • Comprehensive resources and training material to help grow.
  • Scalable architecture capable of handling traffic spikes.
  • 60-day money-back guarantee on annual plans.

WPEngine Pros

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Headless WordPress solution support through Atlas product offerings

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Ability to choose a cloud provider

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Access to Genesis framework

WPEngine Cons

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Confusing agency plans with steep pricing

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    No email hosting is included

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    The live chatbot is fully automated, with no human interaction

WPEngine Pricing

WPEngine’s agency pricing plan offering includes the following:

Subscription Pricing (Monthly) Offerings
Managed WordPress: Growth $92 24/7 expert chat support, CDN, EverCache, proactive security, free auto-renewal SSLs, free daily backups
eCommerce Solutions: Growth $112 10x faster and conversion-focused search capabilities, 24/7 store security, simple global payment solutions, fine-tuned cart-friendly caching
Agency Package $712 Managed WordPress, extra storage starting at 150 GB, Smart plugin manager, Genesis Pro.

Try WPEngine

4. Cloudways

Cloudways Agency’s plan caters to businesses that need scalable and high-performance hosting. It enables digital agencies to grow with agency-focused features, including 24/7 support, robust security, and 1-click solutions.

<img alt="Cloudways" data-src="https://kirelos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/echo/Cloudways.png" decoding="async" height="365" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”967″>

With Cloudways, agencies can install unlimited websites (server resources being the limitation). You can pick the server of your choice with support from major cloud providers, including Google Cloud, AWS, Vultr, Linode, and DigitalOcean, which offer a total of 60 data centers worldwide.

To ensure smooth workflows, Cloudways offers git integration, team collaboration features, SSH, SFTP access, user roles to divide work, 1-click cloning, and staging URLs.

Cloudways also offers co-marketing opportunities and hosting credits for agency partners.

Cloudways Features

  • Top-notch performance using optimized stack, built-in caches, Cloudflare, custom Breeze cache plugin, and PHP8 support.
  • Manage client’s site with 1-click actions such as cloning, backup/restore, and deploying WordPress site.
  • Offers block storage and vertical scaling.
  • Complete security with IP whitelisting, login security, SSL certificates, and application isolation.
  • 24/7 expert live chat support or through the ticketing system.
  • Staging environment for testing and experimentation.
  • Supports white label solution via separate payment solution.

Cloudways Pros

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Choice of cloud service provider/data center

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Dedicated firewalls and regular security patching

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    One-click actions for easy client management

Cloudways Cons

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    No dedicated manager

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Not easy to use, geared towards technical users

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    White label solution not included; need to buy separately

Cloudways Pricing

As Cloudways offers service through different cloud service providers, the price varies on requirements.

Subscription Pricing (Monthly) Offerings
Digital Ocean  Starts at $14 1 GB RAM, 1 Core, 25 GB, and 1 TB Bandwidth.
Vultr Server Starts at $16 1 GB RAM, 1 Core, 32 GB storage, and 1 TB Bandwidth
Linode Starts at $14 1 GB RAM, 1 Core, 25 GB storage, and 1 TB Bandwidth
AWS Starts at $20.56 1 GB RAM, 2 Core, 20 GB Storage, and 2 GB Bandwidth
Google Cloud Starts at $37.45 1.75 GB RAM, 1 Core, 20 GB Storage, and 2 GB Bandwidth

Note: A free trial is only available for those who upgrade their account.

Try Cloudways

5. Nexcess

Nexcess offers fully managed WordPress/WooCommerce hosting for agencies with priority support and smooth integrations (SFTP, GitHub, etc.). It claims to have a 99.998% uptime and provides access to robust security with free SSLs, automatic WordPress updates, and PCI compliance.

<img alt="Nexcess" data-src="https://kirelos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/echo/Nexcess.png" decoding="async" height="499" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”1042″>

With Nexcess, you can manage multiple clients and their sites with access to 10 data centers across North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. Agencies get a free dev environment and a dedicated account manager. They also incentivize agencies with payouts of up to 20% per referral.

Nexcess Features

  • Plugins and sales performance monitoring.
  • WooCommerce automated testing.
  • Free migrations for minimal downtime.
  • Free autoscaling for every client site (available on the Enterprise plan only).
  • Scalable WordPress infrastructure is ideal for growing agency businesses.
  • It offers advanced automation for automating repetitive administrative tasks, including monitoring, automated testing, and security patches.

Nexcess Pros

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Performance is competent even with smaller plans

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    A centralized management dashboard makes handling clients easy.

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Easy to integrate

Nexcess Cons

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Customer support is not as responsive as expected

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    DDoS protection is not included

Nexcess Pricing

All plans come with 24/7/365 expert support.

Subscription Pricing (Monthly) Offerings
Producer $131.20 300 GB Storage, 5 TB bandwidth, 40 PHP workers per site, up to 50 sites
Executive $240.80 500 GB Storage, 10 TB bandwidth, 50 PHP workers per site, up to 100 sites
Enterprise $438 800 GB Storage, 10 TB bandwidth, 60 PHP workers per site, up to 250 sites

Try Nexcess

6. SiteGround

SiteGround’s Agency web hosting offers agency-specific tools for managing a multitude of clients. These tools include the ability to create sites in minutes, transfer ownership, add team members, manage white, update code, and manage content.

<img alt="SiteGround" data-src="https://kirelos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/echo/SiteGround.png" decoding="async" height="354" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”1037″>

SiteGround’s agency plans are managed, meaning agencies don’t have to worry about security and performance. They offer free SSL, WordPress caching, CDN, and IP Blocker to ensure complete end-to-end security. You also get to choose from its 11 data centers located across four continents, including Asia, Europe, Australia, and North America.

SiteGround Features

  • Autoupdater automatically updates plugins and WordPress instances.
  • Priority support via email, phone, and live chat.
  • Develop and ship sites with few clicks and an easy ownership transfer process.
  • Add and manage team members to manage the site successfully.
  • Offers white-label solutions on GoGeek and Cloud plans.
  • Provides developer tools such as Git integration, WP-CLI, and SSH.
  • Access to WordPress staging to test out changes before making them live.

SiteGround Pros

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    No limit on site creation

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Dedicated SG optimizer plugin

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Excellent security for accounts that are on shared servers

SiteGround Cons

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Plans are limited by resource use

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    No free domain

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

SiteGround Pricing

All plans come with unlimited website creation.

Subscription Pricing (Monthly) Offerings
GrowBig $4.99 20 GB web space, 100K monthly visits
GoGeek $7.99 40 GB web space, 400K monthly visits, white-label clients
Cloud Starts at $100 Starts from 4 CPU, 8 GB memory, 40 GB SSD, auto scaling option, white-label clients, and customizable resources  

Try SiteGround

7. FlyWheel

FlyWheel is an ideal pick for design agencies as it lets them streamline client management with features like centralized dashboards, team collaboration, and white-label solutions.

<img alt="FlyWheel" data-src="https://kirelos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/echo/FlyWheel.png" decoding="async" height="381" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”1075″>

FlyWheel makes it easy to collaborate among team members and outside stakeholders. For instance, stakeholders can be added as collaborators with the ability to modify sites and databases. Moreover, teams don’t require separate logins as organizations, once registered on FlyWheel, can access client sites. Team members can also perform tasks such as generating client bills or pushing changes to production.

FlyWheel has global presence with data centers in 5 locations, including, US – lowa, Canada -Montreal, United Kingdom – London, Europe – Belgium, Australia – Sydney.

FlyWheel Features

  • Centralized dashboard to manage all clients.
  • Create WordPress sites faster by saving up older projects as “Blueprints“.
  • Seamless collaboration with stakeholders through the Collaborator feature.
  • Staging area for making changes with one-click push to production option.
  • Free SSL certificate for all your clients.
  • Daily nightly backups.
  • Smooth billing transfer option (client-to-client).
  • Priority 24/7 support through live chat, in-app tickets, and phone support 9-5, Monday – Friday.

FlyWheel Pros

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    SLA-backed 99.99% uptime guarantee

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Collaborative workflow management tools

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Free migrations reduce overall cost

FlyWheel Cons

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    No domains provided

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Backend access is limited

FlyWheel Pricing

Subscription Pricing (Monthly) Offerings
Agency $290 Up to 30 sites, 400K monthly visits, 50 GB storage, 500 GB bandwidth

Try FlyWheel

8. A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting is works well for smaller agencies that want to offer white-label managed WordPress hosting to their clients. Its features are geared towards agency success, and it offers a WHMCS billing system, a WebHost Manager (WHM) control panel, a free eNom domain reseller account, among others.

<img alt="A2Hosting" data-src="https://kirelos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/echo/A2Hosting.png" decoding="async" height="456" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”1039″>

A2 Hosting also provides A2 SiteBuilder, giving agencies the tools to fast-track client website building. Its 99.99% uptime commitment ensures complete client satisfaction, backed by 24/7 support. As for data centers, you can choose between its 4 data center locations: Michigan (USA), Arizona (USA), Amsterdam (Netherlands), and Singapore (Asia).

A2 Hosting Features

  • Ability to manage customer accounts through WebHost Manager (WHM) control panel.
  • 99.99% uptime guarantee for Managed WordPress plans.
  • White-label solutions.
  • Free Cloudflare CDN and SSL certificates.
  • 1-click WP installs and free migration.
  • 30-day money-back guarantee.

A2 Hosting Pros

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Ultra-fast speed and performance with NVMe SSDs on Turbo plans

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Free billing system on Blesta or WHMCS

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Free SSL, unlimited email account, and 24/7 support

A2 Hosting Cons

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    No free domain

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    High renewal rates

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

A2 Hosting Pricing

All plans come with free SSL, cPanel/WHM, and 24/7 fast Crew Support. The Kickstart/Turbo Kickstart plan comes with free Blesta, whereas other plans offer a choice between free WHMCS or Blesta.

Subscription Pricing (Monthly) Offerings
Kickstart / Turbo Kickstart $15.95 / $17.95 60 GB SSD/NVMe SSD storage, 600 GB transfer, free Blesta, 2x memory (only on Turbo plan).
Launch / Turbo Launch $20.95 / $24.95 120 GB SSD/NVMe SSD storage, 1200 GB transfer, free Blesta or WHMCS, 2x memory (only on Turbo plan).
Grow / Turbo Grow $27.95 / $34.95 160 GB SSD/NVMe SSD storage, 1600 GB transfer, free Blesta or WHMCS, 2x memory (only on Turbo plan).
Scale / Turbo Scale $37.95 / $44.95 250 GB SSD/NVMe SSD storage, 3500 GB transfer, free Blesta or WHMCS, 2x memory (only on Turbo plan).

Try A2Hosting

9. Pressable

Pressable is an all-in-one WordPress-managed solution provider with comprehensive migration support. It provides free migration support coupled with reliable backing, which is ideal for agencies managing content-heavy sites.

<img alt="Pressable" data-src="https://kirelos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/echo/Pressable.png" decoding="async" height="405" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”1071″>

Pressable’s flexible plans offer customization, giving growing agencies the ability to handle clients with nuanced requirements. It is developer-friendly and provides access to tools like Git SSH and WP-CLI.

Additionally, it offers 24/7 expert support, 100% uptime SLA, an optimized network for optimal site speed, and free daily backups. Currently, Pressable offers 4 data centers, including Amsterdam (Netherlands), Washington (DC), Los Angeles(CA), and Dallas (TX).

Pressable Features

  • Managed migration for better client experience.
  • Worldwide data centers and global CDN for fast performance.
  • Robust security with free automated daily backups.
  • 24/7 expert support from certified WordPress hosting experts.

Pressable Pros

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    100% SLA-backed uptime, with compensation for downtime

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Free CDN and SSL

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Unlimited monthly data transfers

Pressable Cons

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Doesn’t sell domains

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Limited scalability

Pressable Pricing

Subscription Pricing (Monthly) Offerings
Signature Plans Starts at $40 10 PHP Workers, staging, WP cloud platform, Jetpack security, free site migration
High Traffic Starts at $150 1 WordPress install, unmetered bandwidth, 10-100 PHO workers, auto scaling, 512 MB x each PHP process/worker, Geo-redundant HA Cloud
Enterprise plan Custom Pricing Custom WordPress installs, visits, storage, vCPU and PHP workers.

Try Pressable

10. Pressidium

Pressidium is a high-availability WordPress hosting service for agencies that want high reliability and zero downtime. It achieves high availability through redundancy; by having more than one copy running. If the original copy goes down, the second copy starts serving, and the content delivery network remains online. 

<img alt="Pressidium" data-src="https://kirelos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/echo/Pressidium.png" decoding="async" height="425" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”1071″>

Furthermore, it offers load balancing (improving the site’s performance by distributing traffic) and horizontal scaling (adding more nodes when needed). Additionally, you get a staging area, automatic WordPress core and plugin upgrades, and 24/7 expert support from DevOps engineers via ticketing and email.

Pressidium has a total of 4 data centers in Asia, the US, Europe, and North America.

Pressidium Features

  • Centralized Pressidium dashboard to manage clients effectively.
  • Staging area to test sites before pushing to live site.
  • Built-in CDN and HTTP/2 support.
  • Built-in image optimization service.
  • Offers security features such as WAF, proactive malware scans, and bot filtering.
  • Free SSL from Let’s Encrypt.

Pressidium Pros

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    High-performance and availability WordPress hosting

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Excellent scalability with load balancing/horizontal scaling

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    User-friendly staging sites for testing

Pressidium Cons

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    High cost compared to others

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Lack of complete control over the hosting server

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Less data centers when compared to other services

Pressidium Pricing

Subscription Pricing (Monthly) Offerings
Freelancer $125 12 WordPress sites, 400K unique visits/month, 60 GB storage, 500 GB CDN bandwidth
Agency 1 Starts at $209 20 WordPress sites, 200GB total storage, 500K unique visits/month, 700GB CDN bandwidth
Agency 2 Starts at $334 30 WordPress Sites, 300GB storage, 600K unique visits/month, 1000GB CDN bandwidth
Agency 3 Starts at $459 40 WordPress sites, 400GB storage, 800K unique visits/month, 1300GB CDN bandwidth

Try Pressidium

11. Pagely

Pagely is a managed AWS WordPress hosting solution. It offers tailor-made agency plans and dedicated hosting, providing agencies with reliable ways to take advantage of AWS cloud infrastructure.

<img alt="Pagely" data-src="https://kirelos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/echo/Pagely.png" decoding="async" height="389" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”998″>

As Pagely is a managed service provider, agencies don’t have to worry about server administration, migration, performance, code audits, scalability, security, WordPress, theme, and plugin updates. Pagely also offers 100% uptime backed by a Service Level Agreement (SLA). Also, you get a free SSL certificate with all the plans. 

Pagely has 14 data centers, including 3 Tier 1 data centers in the US and 11 Tier 2 data centers in the EU, Asia Pacific, and South America.

Pagely Features

  • Completely managed hosting ensures that you can focus on handling clients.
  • Pagely team ensures that the client’s site works flawlessly with direct access to the team via Slack.
  • Dedicated member landing page.
  • Robust security and unparalleled scalability with the help of AWS cloud.
  • Free website migration.

Pagely Pros

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Can handle traffic-heavy complex websites

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Staging tools are easy to use for novices and beginners

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Top-notch customer support

Pagely Cons

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Expensive plans

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    No email hosting

Pagely Pricing

All Pagely plans come with decoupled database resources, no cap on PHP workers, flexible configuration, and managed DevOps and Support.

Subscription Pricing (Monthly) Offerings
Performance Lite $375 2 vCPU, 4 GB RAM, 50 GB SSD
Performance $499 $1249 (high-availability config) 2 vCPU, 4 GB RAM, 50 GB SSD
Performance $999 $2249 (high-availability config) 4 vCPU, 8 GB RAM, 50 GB SSD
Scale $2500 $3600 (high-availability config) Custom vCPU, custom GB RAM, custom GB SSD

Try Pagely

12. DreamHost

DreamHost is a decent option for agencies that require affordable WordPress hosting. They don’t have agency-focused plans, but you can benefit from their VPS plans, which support multi-site hosting. 

<img alt="DreamHost" data-src="https://kirelos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/echo/DreamHost.png" decoding="async" height="380" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”973″>

Agencies can use their professional creative services to aid businesses as DreamHost offers services such as marketing, custom web design, and website management. Each plan comes with an AI Business Advisor, a GPT-4o-trained expert who gives business advice, creative problem-solving, and actionable insights.

DreamHost only has data centers in the US. Currently, they have data centers in 3 locations: Ashburn, Hillsboro, and Virginia.

DreamHost Features

  • Easy to use and set up.
  • Excellent security out of the box with the availability of DreamShield, a malware remover tool.
  • 24/7 customer support via chat and email.

DreamHost Pros

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Free SSL and business email

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Unlimited bandwidth across all plans.

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Offers additional services, including website management, development, marketing, and custom web design

DreamHost Cons

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    No phone support

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    No dedicated agency plan

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    VPS plans don’t offer a money-back guarantee

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

DreamHost Pricing

Subscription Pricing (Monthly) Offerings
VPS Business $15 2 GB RAM, 60 GB SSD
VPS Professional $30 4 GB RAM, 120 GB SSD
VPS Enterprise $60 8 GB RAM, 240 GB SSD
VPS Premier $90 12 GB RAM, 360 GB SSD

Try DreamHost

13. Bluehost

BlueHost is a cheap WordPress hosting provider that caters to new agencies. Its starting plan lets you manage 10 websites. Furthermore, BlueHost offers free CDN and SSL, ensuring optimal performance and security for client’s websites. Like DreamHost, we recommend BlueHost’s VPS plans for agencies.

<img alt="bluehost" data-src="https://kirelos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/echo/bluehost.png" decoding="async" height="359" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”800″>

Bluehost has data centers in 5 locations, including:

  • Provo, Utah
  • Hong Kong
  • Mumbai, India
  • Orem, Utah
  • London, United Kingdom

Bluehost Features

  • WordPress-powered AI, which lets you create sites faster (for WordPress plans).
  • Supports Cloudflare CDN, SSDs, and server-level caching for optimal performance.
  • 24/7 expert support via chat and phone.
  • Free SSL with the option to use Premium SSL.
  • Automated daily backups with one-click restore using CodeGuard.

Bluehost Pros

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Decent uptime and unmetered bandwidth

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Affordable pricing for beginner agencies

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/pros.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Intuitive interface for both the dashboard and website builder

Bluehost Cons

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    No free migration

  • <img alt="Advantage" data-src="https://geekflare.com/wp-content/themes/gf/src/CustomTheme/Theme/Assets/Icons/cons.svg" decoding="async" src="data:image/svg xml,”>

    Too many upsell pitches

Bluehost Pricing

All VPS plans offer unmetered bandwidth and a cPanel license fee.

Subscription Pricing (Monthly) Offerings
Standard $46.99 4 GB RAM, 2 core CPU, 100 GB SSD
Enhanced $65.99 8 GB RAM, 4 core CPU, 200 GB SSD
Ultimate $94.99 16 GB RAM, 8 core CPU, 450 GB SSD

Try Bluehost

Best WordPress Hosting for Agencies Comparison

Here’s a comparison table of all the best WordPress hosting providers for Agencies. These hosting providers have been compared based on their monthly price on starting plans, the number of sites included in the plan, and their agency-specific features.

WordPress Hosting Provider Monthly Price (Starting Plan) Number of Sites Included Agency-Specific Features
Kinsta $340 20 for the Business 3 plan, 40 for Business 4 plan and 60 for Enterprise plan Unlimited free migrations, free hosting of your site, Agency directory, unlimited team members, staging environments multiple backup options, and free SSL with automatic renewals
ScalaHosting $17.90 Unlimited sites with a limit on resources (25 GB SSD) Free WordPress migration, free SSL certificate (auto-renewed), priority support, Spanel availability
WPEngine $92 10 sites for all Agency-level plans, apart from Enterprise plan with custom configurations Genesis/Genesis Pro framework access, free auto-renewal SSL and daily backups, and headless WordPress build with Atlas.
Cloudways $14 Unlimited sites Vertical scaling, choice of from popular cloud server, 1-click actions such as restore/backup or WordPress install, Free SSL, team management, free migration
Nexcess $131.20 Up to 50 sites on the Producer plan to 250 sites on the Enterprise Plan Free migration, automated testing, performance monitoring, and free autoscaling (Enterprise plan)
SiteGround $4.99 Unlimited sites Priority support, white-label solution on GoGeek and Cloud plans, staging, autoupdater and developer tools support such as WP-CLI, SSH, Git, etc.
FlyWheel $290 Up to 30 sites Centralized dashboard, blueprints (saving old work for later use), seamless collaboration through Collaborator, free SSL, staging area, client-to-client billing
A2 Hosting $15.95 Unlimited sites Free Blesta or WHMCS billing system, white-label solution, centralized client management via WebHost Manager (WHM), free Cloudflare and SSL certificates.
Pressable $40 Up to 100 websites, each plan price change depending on requirement 100% uptime SLA, free CDN and SSL, managed migration, round-the-clock expert support, unlimited monthly data transfers
Pressidium $125 Starts at 12 WordPress sites for Freelancer plan to 40 WordPress site for Agency 3 plan. Dashboard to manage clients, built-in CDN, HTTP/2 support, staging area, WAF, Let’s Encrypt Free SSL
Pagely $375 Unlimited sites Direct access to Pagely team via Slack, free website migration, dedicated member landing page, robust security and scalability
DreamHost $15 Unlimited sites Free SSL and business email, 24/7 customer support, DreamShield security tool, unlimited bandwidth
Bluehost $46.99 Unlimited sites Free SSL, automated daily backups, 24/7 expert support, high-performance dedicated servers

What is Managed WordPress Hosting?

Managed WordPress is an optimized hosting plan for WordPress CMS that makes running WordPress sites easy and convenient. The hosting provider takes automatic backups and optimizes speed, security, scalability, and other technical aspects of WordPress hosting. Kinsta, WP Engine, and SiteGround are a few examples of managed WordPress hosting on Google Cloud.

Why Do Agencies Need Specialized Hosting Solutions?

Agency-specialized hosting solutions solve direct agency struggles and pain points of managing multiple clients by offering agency-focused features like:

  • Better website management solution.
  • A white-label solution to help the agency build its brand.
  • Free migrations for smooth client onboarding.
  • A high-priority 24/7 support to get issues resolved faster.
  • Staging sites to make changes seamless.
  • Integrated local development environment for designing and developing a website.
  • Automatic backups and updates for worry-free operations.
  • Performance-optimized enhancement, such as server caching.

Tips for Managing Client Websites With WordPress Hosting

Here are 8 tips for managing client websites with WordPress hosting.

  1. Always choose a reliable web hosting provider, preferably a managed hosting provider.
  2. Use a client brand’s performance-focused WordPress theme.
  3. Use an SSL certificate to encrypt incoming/outgoing data.
  4. Use security plugins to improve the client’s website’s overall security.
  5. Use Cache plugins to improve site loading time.
  6. Optimize images to keep site size minimum.
  7. Ensure WordPress core and theme/plugin are updated regularly.
  8. Backup sites regularly to prevent data loss.

More Resources for Agencies