Docker is one of the most popular and widely used containerization platforms for building, sharing, and running applications. In today’s world, most applications are deployed on the containerization platform so managing a Docker container is the key task of any system administrator. Docker allows you to check and monitor the resource usage like CPU, and Memory usage of the Docker containers.

This tutorial will show you how to check Docker container CPU and RAM usage.


  • A server running Linux with Docker installed.
  • A root password is configured on the server.

How to Monitor and Check Docker Container CPU and RAM Usage

Docker provides a stats sub-command that allows you to check your running Docker containers’ memory and CPU utilization.

To list all docker stats commands, run the following command.

docker stats --help

You will get the following output.

Usage:  docker stats [OPTIONS] [CONTAINER...]

Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics

  -a, --all             Show all containers (default shows just running)
      --format string   Pretty-print images using a Go template
      --no-stream       Disable streaming stats and only pull the first result
      --no-trunc        Do not truncate output

Now, let’s run the docker stats command to check the status of all running containers:

docker stats

You will get the information of all running containers in the following output.

CONTAINER ID   NAME                  CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %     NET I/O           BLOCK I/O     PIDS
cb40a0f56aba   determined_robinson   0.00%     2.648MiB / 3.839GiB   0.07%     726B / 0B         0B / 12.3kB   3
e0ee5b16c93f   portainer             0.84%     24.6MiB / 3.839GiB    0.63%     1.02MB / 4.35MB   0B / 721kB    5

By default, the docker stats command will display a live stream of all container stats. If you want to see the first stats of all running containers, use the –no-stream flag.

docker stats --no-stream

You will get the following output.

CONTAINER ID   NAME                  CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %     NET I/O           BLOCK I/O     PIDS
cb40a0f56aba   determined_robinson   0.00%     2.648MiB / 3.839GiB   0.07%     796B / 0B         0B / 57.3kB   3
e0ee5b16c93f   portainer             0.00%     25.5MiB / 3.839GiB    0.65%     1.03MB / 4.35MB   0B / 721kB    5

By default, the docker stats command will display the stats of all running containers. If you want to display the stats of both running and stopped containers, use the -a flag:

docker stats --no-stream -a

If you want to check the status of a specific container, use the docker stats command followed by container id.

docker stats cb40a0f56aba

You will get the following output.

CONTAINER ID   NAME                  CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %     NET I/O     BLOCK I/O     PIDS
cb40a0f56aba   determined_robinson   0.00%     2.648MiB / 3.839GiB   0.07%     796B / 0B   0B / 57.3kB   3

Run the following command to display only CPU information of all running containers.

docker stats --format "{{.Container}} {{.CPUPerc}}" --no-stream


cb40a0f56aba 0.00%
e0ee5b16c93f 0.00%

Run the following command to display only CPU and Memory information of all running containers.

docker stats --format "table {{.Container}}t{{.CPUPerc}}t{{.MemPerc}}"


CONTAINER      CPU %     MEM %
cb40a0f56aba   0.00%     0.07%
e0ee5b16c93f   0.10%     0.59%

Display Docker Container Usage Using Pseudofiles

You can also check Docker container metrics from the control groups which are located under the /sys/fs/cgroup directory on the Docker container host system.

First, get the all running container id using the following command.

docker ps --no-trunc --format "{{.Names}}t{{.ID}}"

You will get the following output.

determined_robinson	cb40a0f56aba8b3a29513dafa7622f8d5d6435c9302dc6a3db73ea5eca506af5
portainer	e0ee5b16c93f358a15dfcb93cc80d2c2d1c1c675e7b65e41434ce20f08773465

Next, run the following command to get the stats of the second container.

cat /sys/fs/cgroup/system.slice/docker-e0ee5b16c93f358a15dfcb93cc80d2c2d1c1c675e7b65e41434ce20f08773465.scope/cpu.stat

You will get the container metrics in the following output.

usage_usec 1550758
user_usec 1301875
system_usec 248883
nr_periods 0
nr_throttled 0
throttled_usec 0


In this post, we showed you how to check Docker container CPU and Memory usage via the command line. I hope this will help you to monitor your Docker environment. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions.

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About Hitesh Jethva

Over 8 years of experience as a Linux system administrator. My skills include a depth knowledge of Redhat/Centos, Ubuntu Nginx and Apache, Mysql, Subversion, Linux, Ubuntu, web hosting, web server, Squid proxy, NFS, FTP, DNS, Samba, LDAP, OpenVPN, Haproxy, Amazon web services, WHMCS, OpenStack Cloud, Postfix Mail Server, Security etc.