In Linux operating systems, a “zombie process” is similar to an undead creature stuck between life and death. These zombie processes can cause confusion and affect system performance if not managed properly. This guide will explain what zombie processes are, how they are created, and how to handle them.

What is a Zombie Process?

A zombie process is a process that has finished running but is still in the system’s process table. These processes don’t do anything or use system resources. They just wait for their parent process to get their exit status. Once this information is collected, the zombie process is removed from the system.

How are Zombie Processes Created?

When a process (child) is created by another process (parent), it runs through several stages until it finishes. After finishing, it sends an exit status to the parent process. This exit status shows if it ended successfully or with an error.

Until the parent process gets this exit status, the child process stays in a “zombie” state. This state ensures the parent can collect the exit status when ready. When the parent process collects this status using commands like wait() or waitpid(), the zombie process is removed from the system.

Common Causes of Zombie Processes

  1. Parent Process Issues: If a parent process doesn’t collect the child’s exit status quickly, it can leave zombie processes. This can be due to programming errors or poorly designed applications.
  2. Parent Process Termination: If a parent process ends before collecting its child processes’ exit statuses, the child processes are taken over by the init process (PID 1), which prevents them from becoming zombies.

Implications of Zombie Processes

Zombie processes don’t use system resources, but too many of them can fill up the process table and slow down the system. They can also make system monitoring tools and administrators think there are bigger problems.

Managing Zombie Processes

  1. Identifying Zombie Processes: Use commands like ps aux or ps axo to see the status of processes, including zombies. Tools like top or htop also show real-time process information, highlighting zombie processes.
    ps aux | grep Z

    This command lists all processes, and the grep Z part filters to show only zombie processes. You will see lines with [defunct] in the output, indicating zombie processes.

  2. Troubleshooting and Debugging: Once you find a zombie process, check its parent process using tools like strace or lsof. Fixing programming errors or handling process signals correctly can prevent zombie processes.
  3. Rebooting the System: If zombie processes are too many or persistent, rebooting the system can clear them.
  4. Process Reaping: Manually reap zombie processes by sending signals to the parent process or using wait() or waitpid() in the parent process code to collect the exit status.


Zombie processes in Linux are not as scary as real zombies but can still cause problems for system administrators and developers. Understanding how to identify and manage them helps keep Linux systems running smoothly.