UrBackup is an open-source backup solution that provides efficient and reliable backups for file and system images across a network. Designed to be simple yet powerful, UrBackup combines the speed and convenience of incremental backups with the security of full backups. On Debian, it runs as a client-server model where the server manages the backup tasks and stores the data, while clients—installed on the machines that need to be backed up – connect to the server to perform backups. The system is highly configurable, allowing administrators to set schedules, retention policies, and backup targets, and it includes a web-based interface for easy management. UrBackup is particularly valued in environments where multiple machines need regular backups, as it can handle both Windows and Linux clients efficiently, ensuring data integrity and minimizing downtime in case of data loss.

This guide will walk you through installing UrBackup on a Debian 12 server.

Update Your System

Before installing any software, it is essential to update your package list and upgrade existing packages to ensure your system is up to date.

Run the following commands in the terminal of your server:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y

Install Required Dependencies with apt

UrBackup requires certain dependencies to function correctly. Install them by running:

sudo apt install wget gnupg2 software-properties-common -y

Add the UrBackup Repository

To get the latest version of UrBackup, you should add its official repository to your system.

Import the GPG key for the repository:

wget -O - https://hndl.urbackup.org/urbackup.asc | sudo apt-key add -

Add the UrBackup repository to your sources list:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://hndl.urbackup.org/Server/latest/debian/ $(lsb_release -cs) main"

Update your package list again to include the new repository:

sudo apt update

Install UrBackup Server

Now that the repository is added install the UrBackup server package:

sudo apt install urbackup-server -y

Start and Enable the UrBackup Service

Once installed, start the UrBackup service and enable it to start on boot:

sudo systemctl start urbackupsrv
sudo systemctl enable urbackupsrv

Configure Firewall (Optional but Recommended)

If you have a firewall enabled on your system, you need to allow UrBackup through it. Typically, UrBackup uses the following ports:

  • TCP 55414 for the web interface
  • TCP 35621 for the image backup and client communication
  • UDP 35622 for client discovery

You can open these ports using ufw (if it’s installed):

sudo ufw allow 55414/tcp
sudo ufw allow 35621/tcp
sudo ufw allow 35622/udp

Then, reload the firewall rules:

sudo ufw reload

Access the UrBackup Web Interface

The UrBackup server includes a web-based interface for managing backups. You can access it by navigating to the following URL in your web browser:


Replace with the actual IP address of your Debian server.

Initial Setup via Web Interface

  1. When you first log in to the UrBackup web interface, you’ll be prompted to configure a few settings like the backup storage location and server settings.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.

Connect Clients to the Server

After setting up the server, you can download and install the UrBackup client on the machines you want to back up. The clients will connect to the server automatically if the network discovery settings are correct.


  • Storage Location: Ensure your backup storage location has enough space to accommodate all the backups. UrBackup supports various storage mediums, including external drives and network shares.
  • Regular Updates: Keep your UrBackup server and clients updated to ensure you have the latest features and security patches.
  • Secure Your Web Interface: Secure the web interface with HTTPS by configuring a reverse proxy with Nginx or Apache.
  • Monitor Backups: Regularly check the status of backups via the web interface to ensure they are completed successfully.

With these steps, you should have a fully functional UrBackup server running on Debian 12, ready to handle your backup needs.