In this guide, we will show you the CentOS 8 Server initial setup and Basic Configuration after its installation. There are some basic primary configurations that you need to do to ensure the new CentOS 8 server is ready to host your applications and services.

The following guide will cover basic service configurations such as SSH, Chrony, and Firewalld. And we will install some essential command utilities that you must have on your server.


  • CentOS 8 Server installed
  • Root privileges
  • Basic Linux Command-line

1. Update and Upgrade Packages

Firstly, after installing the CentOS 8 server, we need to check all available updates of default packages.

Since CentOS 8 replace the yum package manager with DNF, we will be using the ‘dnf’ command for all related packages management.

Now check available updates of default packages using the command below.

dnf check-update

The command will show you the list of packages that needed to be updated. Now run the following command to update all packages.

dnf update

Wait for all packages being updated.

CentOS 8 Initial Setup and Basic Configuration centos linux

Once it’s complete, you can remove all packages cached to get more free space.

dnf clean all

Now all default packages on CentOS 8 server have been updated to the latest version.

CentOS 8 Initial Setup and Basic Configuration centos linux

2. Install Additional Repository

In this section, we’re going to add the repository for CentOS 8 Server. We’re going to add the EPEL (Extra Package for Enterprise Linux) repository to the CentOS 8 server.

Besides the CentOS 8 has a new content package repository called ‘BaseOS’ and ‘AppStream’, we still need a more additional repository for our CentOS 8 Server.

Install the EPEL repository through the dnf command below.

dnf install epel-release

Once the installation is complete, check the list of the repository on CentOS 8 server.

dnf repolist

And you will get the EPEL repository on the list.

CentOS 8 Initial Setup and Basic Configuration centos linux

As a result, the EPEL repository has been added to the CentOS 8 server.

3. Install Basic Utilities

After adding the new EPEL repository, we’re going to install some additional packages to the system.

We’re going to install some basic packages command-line utility such as net-tools, vim, htop, telnet, etc. Install Basic command-line utility for CentOS 8 server using the dnf command below.

dnf install net-tools bind-utils vim telnet policycoreutils git htop

Once all packages installation is completed, go to the next section.

CentOS 8 Initial Setup and Basic Configuration centos linux

4. Setup Timezone and NTP Service

In this step, we’re going to set up the timezone and synchronize time though the NTP server using chrony service.

– Setup Timezone

Firstly, check the timezone that currently used by the system using the following command.


And you will get the result as below.

CentOS 8 Initial Setup and Basic Configuration centos linux

Now check all available timezone and specify with your own country name using the following command

timedatectl list-timezones | grep YOUR-COUNTRY

Once your country timezone is on the list, you can apply the timezone to the system using the command as below.

timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Jakarta

And the timezone configuration for CentOS 8 has been completed.

– Setup NTP Client

After configuring the timezone, we’re going to set up the NTP service on the CentOS 8 server. The NTP service will keep the time automatically synchronize with the NTP pool.

By default, the CentOS 8 server is using the ‘Chrony’ package for managing NTP. Check the chrony packages and make sure it’s installed on your system.

dnf list installed | grep chrony

Now you will get the chrony package on the list.

Next, edit the chrony configuration ‘/etc/chrony.conf’ using vim editor.

vim /etc/chrony.conf

Change the pool with your own location pool server.

pool iburst

Save and close the configuration file, then restart the chronyd service.

systemctl restart chronyd

Now the chrony service is up and running with the new NTP pool.

Next, we need to enable the network time synchronization on the system using the timedatectl command below.

timedatectl set-ntp yes

Now the network time synchronization has been enabled, check using the following command.


And you will get the result as below.

CentOS 8 Initial Setup and Basic Configuration centos linux

As a result, the NTP service is active and the system clock synchronization enabled.

Additionally, you can track the NTP connection using the chronyc command as below.

chronyc tracking

Below is the result.

CentOS 8 Initial Setup and Basic Configuration centos linux

5. Setup SSH

In this section, we’re going to set up the SSH service for basic security. We’re going to set up the SSH key-based authentication, disable root login and password authentication, and whitelist users.

– Setup SSH key-based authentication

To enable the SSH key-based authentication, you will need to generate the SSH key from your local computer.

Generate the SSH key using the following command.


The SSH key ‘id_rsa’ and ‘’ is generated to the ‘~/.ssh’ directory.

CentOS 8 Initial Setup and Basic Configuration centos linux

Next, copy the public key ‘’ to the CentOS 8 server using the ‘ssh-copy-id’ command below.

ssh-copy-id hakase@SERVERIPADDRESS

Once the public key is uploaded, try to login to the CentOS 8 server.


Now you will not be prompted for the SSH password, because you’re logged in to the CentOS 8 server with the SSH private key ‘~/.ssh/id_rsa’.

CentOS 8 Initial Setup and Basic Configuration centos linux

As a result, the SSH key-based authentication has been enabled.

– Setup SSH Basic Security

After configuring the SSH key-based authentication, we’re going to set up the SSH basic security by disabling the root login, disable the password authentication, and enable the whitelist users.


Before implementing this configuration, ensure you have the user with the root privileges and make sure the SSH key-based authentication has been enabled on your server.

Now go to the ‘/etc/ssh’ directory and edit the configuration file ‘sshd_config’ using vim editor.

cd /etc/ssh/
vim sshd_config

On the ‘PermitRootLogin’ and ‘PasswordAuthentication’ configurations, change both values to ‘no’.

PermitRootLogin no
PasswordAuthentication no

Now change the ‘hakase’ user with your own and paste the following configuration to the end of the line.

AllowUsers hakase

Save the configuration file and exit.

Next, test the ssh configuration and make sure there is no error, then restart the ssh service.

sshd -t
systemctl restart sshd

Now the root user cannot log in to the server, the password authentication has been disabled, and only user ‘hakase’ is allowed to log in to the CentOS 8 server through SSH.

CentOS 8 Initial Setup and Basic Configuration centos linux

And as a result, the basic SSH security configuration has been completed.

6. Setup Firewalld

In this section, we’re going to enable the CentOS 8 firewall. We’re going to enable the firewalld service and add some basic ports into it.

Check if the firewalld package is installed on the system using the following command.

dnf list installed | grep firewalld

Check the firewalld service status.

systemctl status firewalld

And you will get the result as below.

CentOS 8 Initial Setup and Basic Configuration centos linux

The firewalld package is automatically installed on the CentOS 8 server by default.

Next, make a list of services that as you need and the port that will be used by your services. For this guide, we just want to add the HTTP and HTTPS services to the firewalld.

Now run the following commands to add HTTP and HTTPS services to the firewalld.

firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
firewall-cmd --add-service=https --permanent

check the firewalld rules and make sure there is no error, then reload the firewalld.

firewall-cmd --check-config
firewall-cmd --reload

CentOS 8 Initial Setup and Basic Configuration centos linux

Now the HTTP and HTTPS services have been added to firewalld rules, check the firewalld list services using the command below.

firewall-cmd --list-services

And you will get the result as below.

CentOS 8 Initial Setup and Basic Configuration centos linux

As a result, the basic firewalld configuration has been completed.

And the Basic initial setup and configuration of the CentOS 8 server have been completed.