Easily Transform Text With Boop-GTK (Scriptable Scratchpad For Developers) Apps

Many operations like Base64 encode, format JSON, Hex to RGB, HTML encode, minify CSS and more, are usually performed by pasting text, which may contain secret information, into shady websites.

This is where Boop-GTK comes in. This is a simple editor for pasting text and executing some operations on it. The application comes with more than 50 scripts, including for performing the operations I already mentioned above, as well as:

  • Remove all line breaks
  • Count characters / lines / words
  • Convert the text to uppercase or lowercase
  • JavaScript evaluation
  • Format CSS / JSON / SQL / XML
  • PHP Unserialize
  • Remove duplicate lines
  • Remove slashes (unescape text)
  • SHA 256/512 hash
  • Sort lines
  • URL encode / decode
  • Many more

Sure, you can perform all of these from the command line (some easier than others), but thanks to Boop-GTK, you have all of these operations in one place, with an easy-to-use interface.

The Boop-GTK interface is very simple. You have a text input field and a keyboard shortcut or button to launch its command pallete, where you can find all the available scripts and their description. There’s also a menu button which allows opening the scripts configuration directory and reset scripts to default.

Boop-GTK is a port of Boop (macOS only) to GTK, and thus Linux and Windows. Being a port of Boop, it’s 100% compatible with Boop scripts, and it even uses the Boop scripts by default. You can see the complete list of scripts built into Boop-GTK (and Boop) by visiting this link. You can also install some additional scripts or write your own scripts.

Download Boop-GTK

Boop-GTK is available on Flathub, the Snap Store, and you’ll also find binaries on its GitHub releases page for Linux, macOS (but you should be using the original Boop if you’re on macOS) and Microsoft Windows. You can also build it from source.

To use the Linux binary (boop-gtk.linux.amd64), you can install it somewhere in your PATH, like /usr/local/bin (run this command in the folder where you’ve downloaded the Boop-GTK Linux binary):

sudo install boop-gtk.linux.amd64 /usr/local/bin/boop-gtk

And launch it using Alt F2 or a terminal, and typing boop-gtk. Or create an application menu for it (so you can launch it like any other app) using MenuLibre for example.