To change the time zone on Ubuntu Linux, you can follow these steps:

Using timedatectl on the Command Line

  1. Open the Terminal:

    You can open the terminal by pressing Ctrl Alt T.
  2. Check Current Time Zone:

    Before changing the time zone, you can check the current one using the following command:


    This will display details about your current time settings, including the time zone.

  3. List Available Time Zones:

    To see a list of all available time zones, you can run:

    timedatectl list-timezones

    Scroll through the list or use grep to filter specific time zones. For example:

    timedatectl list-timezones | grep -i "America"
  4. Change the Time Zone:

    Once you’ve identified the correct time zone, you can set it using the following command:

    sudo timedatectl set-timezone 

    Replace with the desired time zone, for example:

    sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York
  5. Verify the Change:

    After changing the time zone, you can verify it by running:


    Ensure that the “Time zone” line reflects the correct time zone.

Using the Graphical User Interface (GUI)

  1. Open Settings:

    Go to the Ubuntu desktop and click on the “Activities” menu in the top-left corner. Search for “Settings” and open it.
  2. Navigate to Date & Time:

    In the settings window, find and click on “Date & Time” in the sidebar.
  3. Turn Off Automatic Time Zone:

    If “Automatic Time Zone” is enabled, turn it off to allow manual changes.
  4. Change the Time Zone:

    Click on the “Time Zone” option, and a map will appear. You can select your location on the map or type your city in the search bar to set the correct time zone.
  5. Apply Changes:

    After selecting the appropriate time zone, close the settings window. Your new time zone should now be applied.

These steps will allow you to change the time zone on Ubuntu Linux using either the terminal or the graphical interface, depending on your preference.