Every computer system has certain specifications and sometimes you feel the need to know the details of a particular system component. In such scenarios, you should know all the ways through which you can extract the relevant information about a particular component. Hence, today’s article focuses on the various ways to view the system and hardware details in Linux Mint 20.

Displaying System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20

There are different ways of displaying different system and hardware details in Linux Mint 20 which are discussed below:

Check computer system name

To check the Kernel name of your system, you have to execute the following command:


How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell

Check the Release Number of your System’s Kernel

If you want to check the release number of your system’s kernel, then you will have to execute the command mentioned below:

uname -r

How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell

Check the Version Number of your System’s Kernel

To know the version number of your system’s kernel, the following command should be executed:

uname -v

How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell

Check the Name of your Network Node

You can even know the hostname of your network node by executing the command shown below in your Linux Mint 20 terminal:

uname --nodename

How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell

Check the Processor Type of your System

You can check out the processor type of your Linux Mint 20 system by running the following command in your terminal:

uname -p

How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell

Check the Operating System of your Machine

The operating system of a Linux Mint 20 system can be checked by executing the command shown below:

uname -o

How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell

Check the system architecture

For checking the make/model of your Linux Mint 20 system’s hardware, you have to execute the following command:

uname –m

How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell

Check the Hardware Platform of your System

You can even check the hardware platform of your Linux Mint 20 system simply by running the command shown below:

uname -i

How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell

Check all the CPU Related Information of your System

Basically, the CPU related information of a Linux based system is stored in the /proc/cpuinfo file. Therefore, if you want to know about all the CPU related information of your Linux Mint 20 system, then you can do it by running the following command:

cat /proc/cpuinfo

How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell

Check the Architecture of your System

The architecture of a Linux Mint 20 system can be found out by executing the command shown below:

dpkg --print-architecture

How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell

Check the Hard Drive Related Information of your System:

You can check hard drive related information such as disk partitioning, mount points, etc. by running the following command:


How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell

Check the Virtualization Status of your System

If you want to check if virtualization is enabled on your system or not, you can execute the command shown below:


How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell

The highlighted portion of the image shown above indicates that virtualization is enabled on our Linux Mint 20 system and its type is “full”.

Check the Motherboard Related Information of your System

The motherboard related information of your Linux Mint 20 system can be extracted by running the following command:

sudo dmidecode -t 2

How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell

Check the Hardware Related Information of your System

For getting all the hardware related information of your Linux Mint 20 system, the “lshw” utility needs to be installed on it by executing the command shown below:

sudo apt-get install lshw

How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell

Once this utility is installed, you can use it to get the hardware summary of your system in the following manner:

sudo lshw -short

The -short flag has been used over here to extract the summary. Otherwise, the output of the simple “sudo lshw” command is too large.

How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell

Finally, you can even store all your hardware-related statistics in an HTML file by executing the command shown below:

sudo lshw -html > HardwareSummary.html

How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell

This HTML file will be stored in your Home directory by default. To access this HTML file, you simply have to double click on it and it will open up with your default web browser as shown in the following image:

How to Display System and Hardware Details in Linux Mint 20 linux shell


This article shared with you the different ways in which you can extract useful information about the different components of a Linux Mint 20 system. Now, you can access relevant information about any of these components at any time you want.