When you work with databases, you might see the error message: “Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation”. This happens when your database user doesn’t have enough permissions to do something. Here, we will look at some common situations that cause this error and how to fix them.

Case 1: Creating or Changing Database Objects

If you try to create or change database objects like tables, stored procedures, or views, you might get the “Access denied” error if your user account doesn’t have the right permissions.


Give the necessary permissions to your user account. Ask your database administrator or run this SQL command:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON your_database_name.* TO ‘your_username’@’localhost’;

Replace your_database_name and your_username with the correct values for your setup.

Case 2: Importing a SQL Dump

When importing a SQL dump file, you might see the “Access denied” error if your user account doesn’t have the right permissions to create or change objects in the database.


Give the necessary permissions to your user account as described in the solution for Case 1.

Case 3: Doing Global Operations

Some actions need the SUPER privilege, like starting or stopping replication, ending other user sessions, or changing global variables. If you try to do these without the SUPER privilege, you will get the “Access denied” error.


Ask for the SUPER privilege from your database administrator or run this SQL command:

GRANT SUPER ON *.* TO 'your_username'@'localhost';

Replace your_username with the correct value for your setup.

Case 4: MySQL Server Running with Limited Privileges

Sometimes, the MySQL server might be running with the –skip-grant-tables option, which turns off authentication and gives all users the SUPER privilege. If the server is started without this option later, users who had the SUPER privilege might get the “Access denied” error.


Restart the MySQL server without the –skip-grant-tables option and give the necessary permissions to your user account, as explained in the solutions for Case 1 and Case 3.


The “Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation” error happens when your database user doesn’t have the right permissions to do something. By finding out why the error happens and giving the needed permissions to your user account, you can fix this issue and keep working with your database. Always follow the principle of least privilege and only give the minimum permissions needed to keep your database secure.