Java is the most popular programming language, and many applications require Java JRE (Java Runtime Environments) to execute programs. There are many options that are available in Linux Mint 20 to install different Java components, such as Java JDK (Java Development Kit).

This article will show you how to install Java in Linux Mint 20 using the command-line environment. All procedures and commands in this article were implemented using the Linux Mint 20 environment.

Installation of Default Java in Linux Mint 20

Perform the following steps to install Java in the Linux Mint distribution.

Step 1: Open Terminal

First, open the terminal, where you will run all the installation commands. To do so, click on the Linux Mint 20 start menu and select the terminal from the pop-up applications list. You can also open the terminal window using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl Alt t.

Step 2: Update apt-cache

Next, update the apt-cache by entering the following command before beginning the installation of Java on your system.

How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20 Java Linux Mint

Step 3: Check Java Version

In this step, you will determine whether Java is already installed on your system. In most Linux distributions, Java comes pre-installed. So, using the following command, you can check whether Java is already installed:

How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20 Java Linux Mint

If you receive a blank output, then it means that you need to install Java on your system. In the image above, OpenJDK-11 is already installed on the system.

Step 4: Install Java JDK and JRE

You can also install the default Java JRE and JDK components onto your system. To install the default Java JDK packages, issue the following command:

$ sudo apt install defaultjdk

How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20 Java Linux Mint

After running the above command, this will start the installation of the JDK packages onto your system. The above installation process will take some time to complete.

To install the default Java JRE packages, issue the following command:

$ sudo apt install defaultjre

How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20 Java Linux Mint

Install Latest Java 14 in Linux Mint 20

At the time of writing this article, the latest available Java version is Java 14. To install Java 14 onto your system, follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Add PPA Linux Uprising

To install Java 14 in Linux Mint 20, you must first add the PPA Linux uprising repository. You can do so by entering the following command:

$ sudo addaptrepository ppa:linuxuprising/java

How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20 Java Linux Mint

Press ‘Enter’ to import the gpg key of the uprising PPA.

How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20 Java Linux Mint

Step 2: Update apt-cache

Again, update the apt-cache by using the following command:

How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20 Java Linux Mint

Step 3: Install Latest Oracle Java 14

Install Oracle Java 14 onto your system using the following command:

$ sudo apt install oraclejava14installer oraclejava14setdefault

How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20 Java Linux Mint

The above command will first download the latest version of Java 14 from the official Oracle website. So, be patient while your system completes the download process, as this may take some time.

The following dialog will appear during the installation. Click the ‘OK’ option to sign the agreement.

How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20 Java Linux Mint

Again, you will select ‘OK’ to accept the agreement and install Java 14 on your system.

How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20 Java Linux Mint

It will take some time to complete the installation.

How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20 Java Linux Mint

Now, Java 14 is set as the default version on your system.

How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20 Java Linux Mint

You also check the default version by running the following command in the terminal:

How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20 Java Linux Mint

Set Default Java Version Manually

You can also change the default Java version and update alternatives on your system by entering the following command:

$ sudo updatealternatives config java

How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20 Java Linux Mint

The above command is useful when multiple Java versions are installed in your Linux system. The following output will display on your system. Using the above command, you can manually set the default Java version in Linux Mint 20. Select and enter the Java version that you want to set as the default. After selecting the default version, you will see the default Java version with a complete path in the terminal window, as shown in the following section.

Check Java Executable Path

You can also check the executable Java path by entering the command below:

After entering this command, the following output will display in your terminal window:

How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20 Java Linux Mint


This article showed you how to install Java JDK and JRE packages in Linux Mint 20. The article also showed you how to install multiple Java versions onto your Linux system. You can set the default Java version on your system according to your specific requirements. That is all about the installation of Java in Linux Mint 20. Enjoy!

About the author

How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20 Java Linux Mint

Karim Buzdar

Karim Buzdar holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and holds several sysadmin certifications. As an IT engineer and technical author, he writes for various web sites. You can reach Karim on LinkedIn.