PostgreSQL a popular powerful, and open source object-relational database system with more than 15 years of active development and strong reputation for reliability. pgAdmin is the leading Open Source feature-rich PostgreSQL administration and development platform that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows. This tutorial will show you how to install pgAdmin 4 on CentOS 8 Linux.

Features of pgAdmin 4

Features of pgAdmin 4 include:

  • auto-detection and support for objects discovered at run-time
  • a live SQL Query Tool with direct data editing
  • support for administrative queries
  • a syntax-highlighting SQL editor
  • redesigned graphical interfaces
  • powerful management dialogs and tools for common tasks
  • responsive, context-sensitive behavior
  • supportive error messages
  • helpful hints
  • online help and information about using pgAdmin dialogs and tools.

Step 1: Enable EPEL repository

Add EPEL repository using our guide below.

Enable EPEL on CentOS 8

Don’t forget to enable PowerTools repository as it contain the packages we’ll need.

sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools

Step 2: Install PostgreSQL database server

You need to have PostgreSQL installed on your system before you can install pgAdmin 4. Below are the guides to help you install PostgreSQL:

How to install PostgreSQL 11 on CentOS 8

Install PostgreSQL 12 on CentOS 8

Step 3: Install pgAdmin4 on CentOS 8

After installing PostgreSQL, you can begin the installation of pgAdmin 4 on CentOS 8. You need to add PostgreSQL RPM repository, which should have been done while installing PostgreSQL.

sudo dnf -y install

Then install the pgAdmin package:

sudo dnf install pgadmin4

Accept installation prompt by pressing the “y” key.

CentOS-8 - PowerTools                                                                                                    13 kB/s | 4.3 kB     00:00    
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                        Arch                Version                                               Repository               Size
 pgadmin4                                       x86_64              4.16-2.rhel8                                          pgdg10                   15 k
Installing dependencies:
 apr                                            x86_64              1.6.3-9.el8                                           AppStream               125 k
 apr-util                                       x86_64              1.6.1-6.el8                                           AppStream               105 k
 centos-logos-httpd                             noarch              80.5-2.el8                                            AppStream                24 k
 httpd                                          x86_64              2.4.37-12.module_el8.0.0 185 5908b0db                 AppStream               1.7 M
 httpd-filesystem                               noarch              2.4.37-12.module_el8.0.0 185 5908b0db                 AppStream                35 k
 httpd-tools                                    x86_64              2.4.37-12.module_el8.0.0 185 5908b0db                 AppStream               102 k
 mod_http2                                      x86_64              1.11.3-3.module_el8.0.0 185 5908b0db                  AppStream               158 k
 python3-click                                  noarch              6.7-8.el8                                             AppStream               131 k
 python3-flask                                  noarch              1:0.12.2-3.el8                                        AppStream               141 k
 python3-itsdangerous                           noarch              0.24-14.el8                                           AppStream                31 k
 python3-lxml                                   x86_64              4.2.3-1.el8                                           AppStream               1.5 M
 python3-mako                                   noarch              1.0.6-13.el8                                          AppStream               157 k
 python3-mod_wsgi                               x86_64              4.6.4-3.el8                                           AppStream               2.5 M
 python3-sqlalchemy                             x86_64              1.3.2-1.module_el8.0.0 33 0a10c0e1                    AppStream               1.9 M
 python3-webencodings                           noarch              0.5.1-6.el8                                           AppStream                27 k
 python3-werkzeug                               noarch              0.12.2-4.el8                                          AppStream               457 k
 python3-unittest2                              noarch              1.1.0-16.el8                                          PowerTools              186 k
 python3-alembic                                noarch              1.0.11-2.el8                                          epel                    787 k
 python3-beautifulsoup4                         noarch              4.6.3-2.el8.1                                         epel                    185 k
 python3-blinker                                noarch              1.4-4.el8                                             epel                    114 k
 python3-editor                                 noarch              1.0.4-1.el8                                           epel                     19 k
 pgadmin4-docs                                  noarch              4.16-2.rhel8                                          pgdg10                   39 M
 pgadmin4-python3-Flask-Mail                    noarch              0.9.1-4.rhel8.1                                       pgdg10                   24 k
 pgadmin4-python3-dateutil                      noarch              1:2.8.0-1.rhel8                                       pgdg10                  290 k
 pgadmin4-python3-flask                         noarch              1:1.0.2-1.rhel8                                       pgdg10                  153 k
 pgadmin4-python3-flask-babel                   noarch              0.11.1-4.rhel8.1                                      pgdg10                   54 k
 pgadmin4-python3-flask-babelex                 noarch              0.9.3-1.rhel8.1                                       pgdg10                   23 k
 pgadmin4-python3-flask-compress                noarch              1.4.0-1.rhel8                                         pgdg10                   15 k
 pgadmin4-python3-flask-gravatar                noarch              0.5.0-1.rhel8.1                                       pgdg10                   17 k
 pgadmin4-python3-flask-htmlmin                 noarch              1.5.0-1.rhel8                                         pgdg10                   14 k
 pgadmin4-python3-flask-login                   noarch              0.4.1-1.rhel8                                         pgdg10                   34 k
 pgadmin4-python3-flask-migrate                 noarch              2.4.0-1.rhel8                                         pgdg10                   28 k
 pgadmin4-python3-flask-paranoid                noarch              0.2-1.rhel8.1                                         pgdg10                   15 k
 pgadmin4-python3-flask-principal               noarch              0.4.0-14.rhel8.1                                      pgdg10                   20 k
 pgadmin4-python3-flask-security                noarch              3.0.0-1.rhel8.1                                       pgdg10                   82 k
 pgadmin4-python3-flask-sqlalchemy              noarch              2.3.2-1.rhel8.1                                       pgdg10                  109 k
 pgadmin4-python3-flask-wtf                     noarch              0.14.2-1.rhel8.1                                      pgdg10                   59 k
 pgadmin4-python3-htmlmin                       noarch              0.1.12-1.rhel8.1                                      pgdg10                   44 k
 pgadmin4-python3-paramiko                      noarch              2.6.0-3.rhel8                                         pgdg10                  288 k
 pgadmin4-python3-passlib                       noarch              1.7.1-1.rhel8.1                                       pgdg10                  745 k
 pgadmin4-python3-psutil                        x86_64              5.5.1-1.rhel8                                         pgdg10                  378 k
 pgadmin4-python3-simplejson                    x86_64              3.16.0-1.rhel8                                        pgdg10                  278 k
 pgadmin4-python3-six                           noarch              1.12.0-3.rhel8                                        pgdg10                   35 k
 pgadmin4-python3-speaklater                    noarch              1.3-3.rhel8.1                                         pgdg10                   15 k
 pgadmin4-python3-sqlalchemy                    x86_64              1.2.18-1.rhel8                                        pgdg10                  3.9 M
 pgadmin4-python3-sqlparse                      noarch              0.2.4-1.rhel8.1                                       pgdg10                   78 k
 pgadmin4-python3-sshtunnel                     noarch              0.1.4-1.rhel8                                         pgdg10                   45 k
 pgadmin4-python3-werkzeug                      noarch              0.15.4-1.rhel8                                        pgdg10                  464 k
 pgadmin4-python3-wtforms                       noarch              2.2.1-1.rhel8                                         pgdg10                  184 k
 pgadmin4-pytz                                  noarch              2018.9-1.rhel8                                        pgdg10                   53 k
 pgadmin4-web                                   noarch              4.16-2.rhel8                                          pgdg10                  4.9 M
 python3-psycopg2                               x86_64              2.8.3-2.rhel8                                         pgdg10                  175 k
Installing weak dependencies:
 apr-util-bdb                                   x86_64              1.6.1-6.el8                                           AppStream                25 k
 apr-util-openssl                               x86_64              1.6.1-6.el8                                           AppStream                27 k
 python3-html5lib                               noarch              1:0.999999999-6.el8                                   AppStream               214 k
 python3-cssselect                              noarch              0.9.2-10.el8                                          epel                     40 k
Enabling module streams:
 httpd                                                              2.4                                                                                

Transaction Summary
Install  57 Packages

Total download size: 62 M
Installed size: 154 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y

Step 3: Configure pgAdmin 4 on CentOS 8

Now that we have pgAdmin 4 installed, let’s configure it.

1. Start and enable httpd service to start on boot:

sudo systemctl start httpd && sudo systemctl enable httpd

You can confirm service status by running:

$ systemctl status httpd
 ● httpd.service - The Apache HTTP Server
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: active (running) since Wed 2020-01-15 12:59:34 EAT; 6s ago
      Docs: man:httpd.service(8)
  Main PID: 3310 (httpd)
    Status: "Started, listening on: port 80"
     Tasks: 213 (limit: 11512)
    Memory: 36.6M
    CGroup: /system.slice/httpd.service
            ├─3310 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
            ├─3311 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
            ├─3312 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
            ├─3313 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
            └─3314 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
 Jan 15 12:59:34 cent8.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting The Apache HTTP Server…
 Jan 15 12:59:34 cent8.novalocal httpd[3310]: Server configured, listening on: port 80
 Jan 15 12:59:34 cent8.novalocal systemd[1]: Started The Apache HTTP Server.

2. Rename pgAdmin Apache configuration sample:

sudo cp /etc/httpd/conf.d/pgadmin4.conf.sample /etc/httpd/conf.d/pgadmin4.conf

Confirm configuration syntax to prevent any errors and restart httpd service.

$ sudo httpd -t

Syntax OK

$ sudo systemctl restart httpd

4. Create pgAdmin data directories:

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/pgadmin4/ /var/log/pgadmin4/

5. Edit and add the following settings. In most cases, the default file locations should be appropriate:

sudo vi /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pgadmin4-web/


LOG_FILE = '/var/log/pgadmin4/pgadmin4.log'
SQLITE_PATH = '/var/lib/pgadmin4/pgadmin4.db'
SESSION_DB_PATH = '/var/lib/pgadmin4/sessions'
STORAGE_DIR = '/var/lib/pgadmin4/storage'

6. Run the following command to create the configuration database:

sudo dnf -y install python3-bcrypt python3-pynacl
sudo python3 /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pgadmin4-web/

This will ask you to Enter the email address and the password to use for the initial pgAdmin user account.

Email address: [email protected]
Retype password:<Confirm PASSWORD>
pgAdmin 4 - Application Initialisation

Set permissions for pgAdmin directories to apache user:

sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/lib/pgadmin4 /var/log/pgadmin4

Step 4: Configure SELinux

Set permissions for pgAdmin directories to apache user:

sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/lib/pgadmin4 /var/log/pgadmin4

If you have SELinux running in enforcing mode, create and apply a policy to allow Apache user access pgAdmin directories:

sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "*)?"
sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "*)?"
sudo restorecon -Rv /var/lib/pgadmin4/
sudo restorecon -Rv /var/log/pgadmin4/

Restart httpd service.

sudo systemctl restart httpd

Step 5: Access pgAdmin 4 Web Interface

if you have an active firewall service, allow http port:

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Open http://servername_or_ip/pgadmin4 to log in to the pgAdmin with the credentials created step 6 above.

On the first page of pgAdmin, add a PostgreSQL server to administer with pgAdmin by clicking on “Add New Server”. This can be local or a remote PostgreSQL server.

Under the “General” section, give the server a name & description.

Under “Connection” tab, provide access details – DB host, DB user and Password.

When done, Click Save button to save the
configurations. If you were successful adding the server, the name will
appear in the left sidebar. Select the server to see database summary
information and make changes.

I hope our article was helpful in installing pgAdmin 4 on CentOS 8.

Other guides on installing pgAdmin 4:

Install pgAdmin4 on CentOS 7 / Fedora

How to Install pgAdmin4 on FreeBSD 12

Install pgAdmin4 on Ubuntu

Install pgAdmin4 on Debian