How can I install PostGIS on CentOS 8?. This guide will walk you through the steps of installing PostGIS on CentOS 8 Linux. PostGIS is a PostgreSQL database extension which allows GIS (Geographic Information Systems) objects to be stored in the database. PostGIS is an open source software licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

PostGIS has support for GiST-based R-Tree spatial indexes and functions which aids in analysis and processing of GIS objects. Below are the core features of PostGIS.

Features of PostGIS

The PostGIS 2 series provides:

  • Processing and analytic functions for both vector and raster data for splicing, dicing, morphing, reclassifying, and collecting/unioning with the power of SQL
  • raster map algebra for fine-grained raster processing
  • Spatial reprojection SQL callable functions for both vector and raster data
  • Support for importing / exporting ESRI shapefile vector data via both commandline and GUI packaged tools and support for more formats via other 3rd-party Open Source tools
  • Packaged command-line for importing raster data from many standard formats: GeoTiff, NetCDF, PNG, JPG to name a few
  • Rendering and importing vector data support functions for standard textual formats such as KML,GML, GeoJSON,GeoHash and WKT using SQL
  • Rendering raster data in various standard formats GeoTIFF, PNG, JPG, NetCDF, to name a few using SQL
  • Seamless raster/vector SQL callable functions for extrusion of pixel values by geometric region, running stats by region, clipping rasters by a geometry, and vectorizing rasters
  • 3D object support, spatial index, and functions
  • Network Topology support
  • Packaged Tiger Loader / Geocoder/ Reverse Geocoder / utilizing US Census Tiger data

Follow the steps below to install PostGIS on CentOS 8.

Step 1: Install PostgreSQL Database server

PostgreSQL is a dependency for using PostGIS features. Install PostgreSQL on CentOS 8 using our guide below.

How to install PostgreSQL on CentOS 8

Step 2: Install PostGIS on CentOS 8

After the installation of PostgreSQL and adding EPEL repository, proceed to install PostGIS from the PostgreSQL added. The repository was added using command like below:

sudo yum -y install

Enable EPEL and PowerTools repositories:

sudo dnf -y install
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools

Disable default PostgreSQL AppStream repository.

sudo dnf -qy module disable postgresql

Install PostGIS for PostgreSQL 12:

sudo yum install postgis25_12

If you’re working on PostgreSQL 11, then run:

sudo yum install postgis25_11

Hit the y key to start the installation.

CentOS-8 - AppStream                                                                                                     12 kB/s | 4.3 kB     00:00    
CentOS-8 - Base                                                                                                          30 kB/s | 3.8 kB     00:00    
CentOS-8 - Extras                                                                                                        11 kB/s | 1.5 kB     00:00    
CentOS-8 - PowerTools                                                                                                   7.8 MB/s | 2.0 MB     00:00    
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64                                                                           43 kB/s |  31 kB     00:00    
PostgreSQL 12 for RHEL/CentOS 8 - x86_64                                                                                 19 kB/s | 3.8 kB     00:00    
PostgreSQL 11 for RHEL/CentOS 8 - x86_64                                                                                 30 kB/s | 3.8 kB     00:00    
PostgreSQL 10 for RHEL/CentOS 8 - x86_64                                                                                8.1 kB/s | 3.8 kB     00:00    
PostgreSQL 9.6 for RHEL/CentOS 8 - x86_64                                                                                19 kB/s | 3.8 kB     00:00    
PostgreSQL 9.5 for RHEL/CentOS 8 - x86_64                                                                               7.3 kB/s | 3.8 kB     00:00    
PostgreSQL 9.4 for RHEL/CentOS 8 - x86_64                                                                               6.2 kB/s | 3.8 kB     00:00    
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                        Architecture               Version                                 Repository                      Size
 postgis25_12                                   x86_64                     2.5.3-6.rhel8                           pgdg12                         4.4 M
Installing dependencies:
 blas                                           x86_64                     3.8.0-8.el8                             AppStream                      429 k
 boost-serialization                            x86_64                     1.66.0-6.el8                            AppStream                      128 k
 lapack                                         x86_64                     3.8.0-8.el8                             AppStream                      8.6 M
 mariadb-connector-c                            x86_64                     3.0.7-1.el8                             AppStream                      148 k
 mariadb-connector-c-config                     noarch                     3.0.7-1.el8                             AppStream                       13 k
 openblas                                       x86_64                     0.3.3-2.el8                             AppStream                      4.3 M
 openblas-threads                               x86_64                     0.3.3-2.el8                             AppStream                      4.4 M
 qt5-qtbase                                     x86_64                     5.11.1-7.el8                            AppStream                      3.3 M
 qt5-qtbase-common                              noarch                     5.11.1-7.el8                            AppStream                       39 k
 qt5-qtbase-gui                                 x86_64                     5.11.1-7.el8                            AppStream                      6.0 M
 qt5-qtsvg                                      x86_64                     5.11.1-2.el8                            AppStream                      182 k
 unixODBC                                       x86_64                     2.3.7-1.el8                             AppStream                      458 k
 xcb-util-image                                 x86_64                     0.4.0-9.el8                             AppStream                       21 k
 xcb-util-keysyms                               x86_64                     0.4.0-7.el8                             AppStream                       16 k
 xcb-util-renderutil                            x86_64                     0.3.9-10.el8                            AppStream                       19 k
 xcb-util-wm                                    x86_64                     0.4.1-12.el8                            AppStream                       32 k
 atlas                                          x86_64                     3.10.3-7.el8                            BaseOS                         6.5 M
 libgfortran                                    x86_64                     8.3.1-4.5.el8                           BaseOS                         638 k
 libquadmath                                    x86_64                     8.3.1-4.5.el8                           BaseOS                         169 k
 pcre2-utf16                                    x86_64                     10.32-1.el8                             BaseOS                         228 k
 SuperLU                                        x86_64                     5.2.0-7.el8                             PowerTools                     191 k
 libaec                                         x86_64                     1.0.2-3.el8                             PowerTools                      39 k
 libdap                                         x86_64                     3.19.1-2.el8                            PowerTools                     686 k
 openblas-openmp                                x86_64                     0.3.3-2.el8                             PowerTools                     4.4 M
 openblas-threads64_                            x86_64                     0.3.3-2.el8                             PowerTools                     4.3 M
 armadillo                                      x86_64                     9.700.2-1.el8                           epel                            38 k
 arpack                                         x86_64                     3.7.0-1.el8                             epel                           194 k
 cfitsio                                        x86_64                     3.47-1.el8                              epel                           577 k
 freexl                                         x86_64                     1.0.5-4.el8                             epel                            34 k
 hdf                                            x86_64                     4.2.14-5.el8                            epel                           651 k
 hdf5                                           x86_64                     1.10.5-4.el8                            epel                           2.1 M
 libgeotiff                                     x86_64                     1.5.1-1.el8                             epel                            99 k
 libgta                                         x86_64                     1.2.1-1.el8                             epel                            34 k
 netcdf                                         x86_64                     4.7.0-2.el8                             epel                           647 k
 ogdi                                           x86_64                     4.1.0-1.el8                             epel                           241 k
 xerces-c                                       x86_64                     3.2.2-3.el8                             epel                           991 k
 CGAL                                           x86_64                     4.14-1.rhel8                            pgdg12                         524 k
 SFCGAL                                         x86_64                     1.3.7-2.rhel8                           pgdg12                          19 k
 SFCGAL-libs                                    x86_64                     1.3.7-2.rhel8                           pgdg12                         1.9 M
 gdal30-libs                                    x86_64                     3.0.2-1.rhel8                           pgdg12                         7.3 M
 geos38                                         x86_64                     3.8.0-1.rhel8                           pgdg12                         643 k
 postgresql12-contrib                           x86_64                     12.1-2PGDG.rhel8                        pgdg12                         2.4 M
 proj62                                         x86_64                     6.2.1-1.rhel8                           pgdg12                         1.8 M

Transaction Summary
Install  44 Packages

Total download size: 70 M
Installed size: 338 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y

This will install PostGIS v2.5 for PostgreSQL 12.

$ rpm -qi postgis25_12
Name        : postgis25_12
Version     : 2.5.3
Release     : 6.rhel8
Architecture: x86_64
Install Date: Mon 20 Jan 2020 10:40:35 PM EAT
Group       : Unspecified
Size        : 29786216
License     : GPLv2 
Signature   : DSA/SHA1, Mon 04 Nov 2019 10:05:01 PM EAT, Key ID 1f16d2e1442df0f8
Source RPM  : postgis25_12-2.5.3-6.rhel8.src.rpm
Build Date  : Mon 04 Nov 2019 10:04:57 PM EAT
Build Host  : koji-rhel8-x86-64-pgbuild
Relocations : (not relocatable)
Vendor      : PostgreSQL Global Development Group
URL         :
Summary     : Geographic Information Systems Extensions to PostgreSQL
Description :

Step 3: Enable PostGIS Spatial features

You need to activate PostGIS features on a database before you can
store spacial data. The example below will show you how to create a
database and activate the Spacial features.

1.Switch to postgres user.

sudo -i -u postgres

2.Create test user/database.

-bash-4.2$ createuser test_user

-bash-4.2$ createdb test_db -O test_user

3.Connect to the test database:

$ psql -d test_db
 psql (12.1)
 Type "help" for help.

4.Enable the PostGIS extension on the database:

test_db=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis;


5. Verify

test_db=# SELECT PostGIS_version();



 (1 row)

test_db=# q

Refer to Official PostGIS Documentation for a usage guide and advanced configurations.

Here are installation guides for other systems.

Install PostGIS on Ubuntu / Debian

Install PostGIS on CentOS 7