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Limiting screen time has become a necessity for the kind of lifestyle we live.

Imagine going out to run your daily errands but forgetting your phone at home. Or when you forgot to plug your phone into charging before sleeping. Sounds like a nightmare👻, right? Have you ever wondered why you feel this way when your beloved mobile phone is not in your hands?

In today’s day and age, almost everything is readily available at your fingertips through our mobile phones. We rely on them for communication, entertainment, information, studying, etc.

Studies show that 1 in 5 smartphone users spend an average of 4.5 hours of their time on their phones every day. This means we’ve become dependent on them for the tiniest things.

In this post, we will discuss why this is harmful, how to limit screen time using Digital Wellbeing, and a few Android apps you can use to your advantage. Psst…and here’s a handy table with a sneak peek at those apps we have discussed below!

Product Notable Features
StayFree Charts, insights, limits, block distracting apps, cross-platform statistics.
YourHour Identify phone addict type, insights, limits, export data.
Screen Time Manage children’s screen time, real-time stats, content blockers.
ActionDash Sleek interface, vivid charts, app statistics, focus mode, limits.
Stay Off Timers, floating overlay, vibrant design, usage reports, Pro membership.
Digitox Reduce screen time, stay focused, categorize apps, notifications, simplicity.

Now, let’s dive right in.

How Smartphone Addiction is Hampering Our Productivity 

Have you thought about the number of times we check our phones while working, studying, or doing an important task? One ping and zoop, our attention goes to the phone instead of the task at hand. Smartphone addiction is one of the biggest modern-day challenges that is affecting people of all ages today.

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This includes mindless scrolling through social media, playing games for long hours, listening to music, or compulsively checking emails; the very zing of our screens hampers our productivity significantly.

Many people may argue that using smartphones all-day gives them a “dopamine high.” However, the question is, do we really need it? Our bodies are naturally capable of producing dopamine because we act on the activities we like. When this action is done mindlessly, the quantity of dopamine produced is too high, which can be harmful for our mental health.

Excessive screen time also leads to decreased focus, leads to irregular sleeping patterns, and adverse effects on mental health. You may even experience the problem of improper body posture and neck pain, among many other concerns. All of these factors are directly responsible for hampering our productivity. 

The Need to Limit Screen Time

For all the reasons mentioned above, we need to act on the solution to lead a better quality of life. This is exactly where screen time tracking and limiting phone usage comes into play. You can do that effectively by using apps that help you monitor your screen time, set limits, and receive alerts when you exceed them. Trust me, it’s not rocket science.

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For all the Android mates out there, allow me to introduce you to the Digital Wellbeing feature on your phone. Never heard of it before? Well, it’s not hidden; you’ve just discovered it today, and I’ve got you covered regarding its usage.

Android phones come with a dedicated feature called Digital Wellbeing, and it helps you understand your digital habits, make informed decisions about your screen time, and gain control of your device usage.

Also read: Phone Tracker Apps to Track Internet Activity of Loved Ones

Benefits of Digital Wellbeing

While the benefits of using digital wellbeing can be plenty, here are some of the main ones:

#1. Digital Habits 📱

This feature provides a comprehensive overview of your smartphone usage, such as the time spent on individual apps and notifications you receive daily. You can become aware of your digital habits and pinpoint where you spend most of your time, as well as your day-to-day activities, through this habit tracker.

#2. App Timers ⏱️

A great benefit that I, personally, use is setting timers for apps where I spend most of my time procrastinating or scrolling. Once you reach the limit you’ve set for the application, it will be paused until the next day.

#3. Wind Down 😴

The wind-down feature helps you prepare for a good night’s sleep by transitioning your device into grayscale mode and reducing notifications before bedtime. This also puts your phone into a do-not-disturb mode where only starred contacts and selected callers can reach you.

#4. Focus Mode 🧘‍♂️

Had a busy day at the office or college? Don’t worry; turn on the focus mode to temporarily pause specific applications and minimize distractions. 

How to Use Digital Wellbeing

All of this information can be overwhelming, so here’s a step-by-step guide to limit screen time for different apps using Digital Wellbeing.

Step 1: Open your phone’s settings and search for Digital Wellbeing and Parental Controls. Tap to open the feature.

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Step 2: What you see next is your dashboard, which will give you an overview of your screen time.

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Step 3: Head over to App Timers to set limits on specific apps under the dashboard. From the list, choose the app you want to restrict your time for and set a daily timer for it. 

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Step 4: To enable the Wind Down mode, customize the start and end times to suit your sleep schedule. 

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You can also switch on the Focus Mode by selecting the apps you want to pause during this time.

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The steps are pretty simple and easy to follow, and by choosing to follow them, you’ve already taken the first step to a healthy lifestyle.

However, if you’re looking for more features and customizations, you can choose to install third-party apps on your phone. Here are some of the best apps you can download today.


If you’re creative and fond of appealing charts and graphs, this app is for you. StayFree is a comprehensive screen time tracking and management app that provides detailed insights into your smartphone usage.

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It tracks app usage and monitors your daily unlocks, notifications, and even your phone’s pickups. It allows you to set daily app usage limits, block distracting apps, and schedule breaks. 

Its ability to analyze your usage patterns and recommend a healthier digital lifestyle makes it unique. The best part is that the application is battery-friendly with a high-speed and user-friendly interface, empowering you to take control of your device usage with precision.

Moreover, it also helps with cross-platform statistics to ensure you understand your usage better.


One of the most popular screen time tracking apps, YourHour is installed by more than 4 million users worldwide.

This digital well-being app goes beyond just tracking and limiting screen time. It lets you know what kind of a “phone addict” you are with the help of the Goal Spots feature. It helps you study the data of the past 7 days and lets you know which category you belong to – Obsessed, Dependent, Habitual, Achiever, or Champion.

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Simply tap an app to get comprehensive insights in a progress bar format and know the limits set for each app. You can head over to the “What’s been cooking” section to learn about the Why, When, and How much of your phone’s daily routine.

The app also allows you to export your data in XLSX format to make productivity charts. Its feature-rich approach makes it a powerful choice for those committed to improving their digital well-being.

Screen Time

Screen Time helps you manage your children’s screen time by setting limits, using content blockers, tracking their locations, and more. Its ability to monitor and control screen time on multiple devices sets it apart, making it a valuable tool for families. 

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This app also provides real-time usage statistics and app usage history to help you make informed decisions about your screen time. You can see what websites your child has visited, the YouTube videos they have watched, and even receive notifications when your kids try to install a new app.

If something doesn’t feel right, simply pause all activities with one tap. You can configure up to 5 devices with one account, which is a real dealmaker. This app is excellent if child safety online is your priority (as it should be.)


Endorsing a sleek and user-friendly interface, ActionDash is compatible with almost all Android devices. It helps you pinpoint noisy apps and visualize your screen time using vivid pie charts, making monitoring the activity easy.

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It offers many cool features, such as app usage statistics, daily and weekly screen time reports, and the ability to set app limits.

This app’s minimalist design and seamless integration with Android’s Digital Wellbeing features make it phenomenal. It offers a simplified, streamlined experience for users who prefer a clean and straightforward approach to managing their screen time.

ActionDash also provides a Focus Mode to pause distracting apps temporarily. Ultimately, it enhances productivity and limits app usage to block apps you overuse daily. 

Stay Off

Stay Off is not just an app; it’s everything you need for healthy smartphone usage. It allows you to set timers for individual apps and control your screen time.

The most loved feature of this app is the floating timer overlay that reminds you of your usage limits. The application’s color scheme is lively and easy on the eyes, making it fun to use. You can also switch to dark mode to avoid straining the eyes while using the app. 

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If the app timer goes off, and you’re not done with your work, you can adjust the timer durations and quickly pause or extend the app usage as needed.

Moreover, you get weekly and monthly reports of your digital habits and a tracker on how you’ve improved your digital well-being. Don’t hesitate to subscribe to their Pro membership to access more awesome features.


If you’re looking for a straightforward yet feature-rich app, you can download Digitox.

It was designed to fight with Nomophobia and motivates you to reduce your screen time, stay focused, and reduce distractions during the day. You can increase your efficiency and productivity with the help of a daily understanding of your digital habits and categorizing your screen time.

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Categorization helps you filter out the main apps to be used on your phone. You can edit the titles to match your lifestyle and receive notifications when they approach their predefined time limits.

This application’s simplicity and focus on core screen time management features make it incredible.

Closing Thoughts

With an increase in the usage of smartphones and spending too much time on the screen, there arises an importance of managing your screen time effectively.

By using the Digital Wellbeing feature on Android or any of the third-party apps mentioned, you take back control of your time by striking a balance between the reel and the real world.

Remember, apps were made to make our lives easier and not harder. So, take charge of your lifestyle now! 

Next, check out the best Parental Control apps to keep your child safe online.