Ansible Galaxy is a role and collection manager for Ansible. You may compare it with the NPM (Node Package Manager) package manager of Node.js.

Ansible Galaxy hosts Ansible roles and collections created by the community. Instead of rewriting them from scratch, you can install it on your computer using the Ansible Galaxy command-line tool and use them on your playbooks.

You can also write your roles and collections and upload them to Ansible Galaxy. This is out of the scope of this article.

In this article, I am going to show you how to use Ansible Galaxy command-line tool to install Ansible Galaxy roles and collections and use them on your playbook. So, let’s get started.


If you want to try out the examples of this article,

1) You must have Ansible installed on your computer.

2) You must have at least 2 Linux hosts ( a Debian 10 and a CentOS 7) configured for Ansible automation.

There are many articles on LinuxHint dedicated to Installing Ansible and configuring hosts for Ansible automation. You may check them out if needed.

Setting Up a Project Directory:

Before we get started, let’s create a project directory so that we can organize our project files.

To create a project directory galaxy-demo/ in your HOME directory, run the following command:

$ mkdir -pv galaxy-demo/{playbooks,vars}

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Now, navigate to the galaxy-demo/ directory as follows:

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Create an Ansible configuration file ansible.cfg in your project directory as follows:

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Type in the following lines your ansible.cfg file.


inventory           = hosts

host_key_checking   = False

Once you’re done, press X followed by Y and to save the ansible.cfg configuration file.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Create an Ansible inventory file hosts in your project directory as follows:

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Type in the following lines in your host’s inventory file.



Here, is a Debian 10 host, and is a CentOS 7 host.

Once you’re done, press X followed by Y and to save the hosts inventory file.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

To check whether you can ping the remote Ansible hosts from your computer, run the following command:

$ ansible all -u ansible -m ping

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

As you can see, I can ping my remote Ansible hosts and

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Searching for Ansible Galaxy Roles and Collections :

You can search for Ansible Galaxy roles and collections in the official website of Ansible Galaxy.

Once the webpage loads, click on the search icon to search for Ansible Galaxy roles and collections.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Now, type in what you’re looking for and click on the search icon.

In this example, I have searched for mysql server. As you can see, the search result is displayed.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

The search term mysql server returned 2 collections and many roles.

A role is an Ansible module that does specific things. A collection has many roles. That’s the main difference between a role and a collection.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

To see more information about a role, click on the role.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

The Details tab of a role package will show technical information about the role.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

The Read Me tab will display the installation and usage information of the role.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

In the same way, a collection package will have installation information on the Details tab.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

On the Content tab, the roles the collections will install will be displayed.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

The Read Me tab will display useful information about the collection.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Installing and Using Ansible Galaxy Roles:

In this section, I am going to show you how to install and use an Ansible Galaxy role. So, let’s get started.

Let’s say; you want to install the Ansible Galaxy role geerlingguy.mysql.

To do that, run the following command:

$ ansiblegalaxy install geerlingguy.mysql

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Ansible Galaxy role geerlingguy.mysql should be installed.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Create a playbook install_database.yaml in the playbooks/ directory for testing the geerlingguy.mysql role as follows:

$ nano playbooks/install_database.yaml

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Then, type in the following lines in the install_database.yaml file.

– hosts: database

: ansible

: yes


   – ../vars/database.yaml


    – role
: geerlingguy.mysql

Once you’re done, press X followed by Y and to save the install_database.yaml file.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Here, the role of geerlingguy.mysql is used in the roles section.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

The vars_files section is used to add the required role/playbook variables to the playbook. Here, the variables will be placed in the vars/database.yaml file.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Now, create a database.yaml file in the vars/ directory as follows:

$ nano vars/database.yaml

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Now, add your desired variables in the database.yaml file. I’ve added the following variables in the database.yaml file.


  – name
: db01

: utf8mb4

: utf8mb4_unicode_ci


  – name
: linuxhint

: “%”

: secret

: “db01.*:ALL”

These variables configure geeringguy.mysql role so that it creates a new user linuxhint, sets the password secret for the linuxhint user, creates a new database db01 and grants linuxhint user full access to the db01 database.

Once you’re done, press X followed by Y and to save the database.yaml file.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Now, you can run the install_database.yaml playbook as follows:

$ ansible-playbook playbooks/install_database.yaml

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

As you can see, the playbook is running the geerlingguy.mysql role. It may take a while to complete.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

At this point, the install_mysql.yaml playbook should be completed.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

On my Debian 10 host, the mysql service is running as you can see in the screenshot below,

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

I can also login to the MySQL database server as linuxhint user.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

As you can see, the database db01 is also created.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

So, this is how you install and use Ansible Galaxy roles.

Installing and Using Ansible Collections:

In this section, I am going to show you how to install and use an Ansible Galaxy collection. So, let’s get started.

Let’s say; you want to install the Ansible Galaxy collection geerlingguy.php_roles.

To do that, run the following command:

$ ansible-galaxy collection install geerlingguy.php_roles

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

The collection geerlingguy.php_roles should be installed.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

To use the collection, create a new playbook install_php.yaml in the playbooks/ directory as follows:

$ nano playbooks/install_php.yaml

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Now, type in the following lines in the install_php.yaml file.

– hosts: web

: ansible

: yes


   – geerlingguy.php_roles


    – role
: php

    – role
: php_versions


: ‘7.3’

Once you’re done, press X followed by Y and to save the install_php.yaml file.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

These lines import the geerlingguy.php_roles collection on your playbook.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

In the roles section, you can use the roles you need from your collection. Here, I have added 2 roles (php and php_versions) from the geerlingguy.php_roles collection.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

The php role does not have any role-specific variables.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

If you want to configure a role using variables, you can add them under the vars section of the role as follows.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

You can find what roles are available for use in the official Ansible Galaxy page of the collection

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

The official Ansible Galaxy page of the role will have information on what variables you can use to configure the role.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Now, you can run the install_php.yaml playbook as follows:

$ ansible-playbook playbooks/install_php.yaml

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

As you can see, the playbook is running. It may take a while to complete.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

At this point, the playbook should be completed.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

As you can see, I can access the Apache 2 webserver running on my CentOS 7 host

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

I have also created an index.php file in the /var/www/html/ directory of my CentOS 7 host

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

As you can see, the web server can serve index.php page correctly.

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

So, that’s how you install and use Ansible Galaxy collections.


In this article, I have explained what Ansible Galaxy is. I have also demonstrated how to install and use roles/collections from Ansible Galaxy. Ansible Galaxy will help you avoid reinventing the wheel, also known as code repetition. You should be able to get your Ansible projects done faster using Ansible Galaxy.

About the author

How to Use Ansible Galaxy Ansible

Shahriar Shovon

Freelancer & Linux System Administrator. Also loves Web API development with Node.js and JavaScript. I was born in Bangladesh. I am currently studying Electronics and Communication Engineering at Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), one of the demanding public engineering universities of Bangladesh.