TeamViewer is a well-known cross-platform remote desktop software that comes with tons of functionalities for everyone. TeamViewer allows remote control, desktop sharing, online meeting, web conference, and file transfer between computers. It’s a proprietary tool that’s developed by TeamViewer AG, Germany.

TeamViewer offers a freemium-like model. For personal and non-profit use, TeamViewer is available for free. For professional use, TeamViewer requires a subscription. Check out TeamViewer pricing.

In this guide, check out how to install and use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04.

TeamViewer on Ubuntu

As mentioned earlier, TeamViewer is a cross-platform app that’s available on Windows, Linux, and macOS. In the case of Ubuntu, there are two methods to install TeamViewer – install the TeamViewer DEB package or manually installing from TeamViewer repo.

In this guide, I’ll be showcasing TeamViewer for personal use.

Install TeamViewer on Ubuntu

Install TeamViewer DEB package

This is the recommended method of installing TeamViewer on Ubuntu. Download the DEB package from the TeamViewer Linux download page.

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

Once downloading is complete, install the DEB package using APT. Run the following command.

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install ./teamviewer_15.9.4_amd64.deb

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

If you follow this method, TeamViewer will automatically configure the TeamViewer APT repo.

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

Install TeamViewer from TeamViewer repo

In this method, we’ll manually add the TeamViewer repo and let APT to do the rest. It’s a bit more complicated than the previous one.

First, we need to add the TeamViewer GPG key. Run the following command.

$ wget -qO –

TeamViewer2017.asc | sudo apt-key add

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

Next, add the TeamViewer repo. The following repo is for TeamViewer’s stable edition.

$ sudo sh -c ‘echo “deb stable main”

 >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/teamviewer.list’

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

Update APT cache.

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

Finally, install TeamViewer.

$ sudo apt install TeamViewer

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

Using TeamViewer

Launch TeamViewer.

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

In the first run, TeamViewer will open up the TeamViewer license agreement. To continue, click “Accept License Agreement”.

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

TeamViewer will show an ID and password of your machine. If anyone else wants to connect to your computer, these credentials are necessary. Note that these are temporary credentials.

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

Let’s see how to connect to a remote desktop. Enter the partner ID under the “Control Remote Computer” section and click “Connect”.

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

The client will ask for the password of the remote desktop.

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

Voila! You’ve successfully connected to the remote desktop!

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

It’s possible to change TeamViewer client behavior and others from the options. Go to Extras >> Options.

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

Under the “General” section, you can change the display name, theme, and various network settings.

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

Under the “Security” section, you can decide the password strength or assign your password.

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

Under the “Advanced” section, you can configure miscellaneous TeamViewer options.

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

Final thoughts

TeamViewer is powerful but simple. It doesn’t take much effort to configure and use it. Now you can connect to your friend or customer machine and offer immediate assistance. Don’t forget to check out the TeamViewer account. It’s an awesome way to keep all the TeamViewer device connections in a single place.

TeamViewer isn’t the only remote desktop solution. Check out the best remote desktop sharing apps for Ubuntu. Having a TeamViewer alternative at your disposal is always handy.


About the author

Install and Use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 20.04 TeamViewer ubuntu

Sidratul Muntaha

Student of CSE. I love Linux and playing with tech and gadgets. I use both Ubuntu and Linux Mint.