The `sed` command is an essential tool for manipulating text in Linux. It allows you to search for patterns in a text and perform various operations on the matching text, such as replacing it, deleting it, or printing it. This command takes input from a file or standard input.

The default sed command doesn’t make changes to the original file until you used the -i command line parameter. The command alerts the text and sends the result to standard output. You can also redirect the text to the file as per the requirements.

In this article, we’ll provide 15 practical examples of using the `sed` command to perform various tasks.

Replace Strings Example using Sed

1. Replace string in a file

To replace a string in a file, you can use the 's/old_string/new_string/g' command. The syntax is:

# Syntax

sed ‘s/old_string/new_string/g’ file_name

To replace strings in a file using the sed command, use the -i argument to make the changes in-place. The command string must include the substitute command ‘s’, the original string, and the replacement string. For example, to replace all instances of the string “apple” with the string “banana” in a file called fruits.txt, use the following command:

See the following example:

sed 's/apple/banana/g' fruits.txt 

This command reads the content from the “fruits.txt” file and replaces all occurrences of the word “apple” with the word “banana” and prints the resulting text to the terminal. The g tells the command to replace all matching occurrences globally in the file.

You can also make the changes in the same file with the -i option.

sed -i 's/apple/banana/g' fruits.txt 

You will see that the original file is modified. You can also make s backup of file before making changes in original file.

sed -i.bak 's/apple/banana/g' fruits.txt 

A backup file of the original will be created in current directory with name fruits.txt.bak.

2. Replace the first occurrence of each line

To substitute only the first occurrence of a pattern on each line, you can use the s/pattern/replacement/ command. For example, to replace only the first occurrence of the word “apple” with the word “banana” in the file fruits.txt, you can use the following command:

sed 's/apple/banana/' fruits.txt 

3. Replace the last occurrence of each line

To substitute only the last occurrence of a pattern on each line, you can use the s/pattern/replacement/g’ command. For example, to replace only the last occurrence of the word “apple” with the word “banana” in the file fruits.txt`, you can use the following command:

sed 's/(.*)apple/1banana/g' fruits.txt 

4. Replace string at specific line number

To replace a string on a specific line, you can use the lineNumbers/pattern/replacement/ command. For example, to replace the first occurrence of the word “apple” with the word “banana” on line 3 of the file fruits.txt, you can use the following command:

sed '3s/apple/banana/' fruits.txt 

5. Replace string from range of line numbers

To replace a string on a range of lines, you can use the startLineNumber,endLineNumber/pattern/replacement/ command. For example, to replace the first occurrence of the word “apple” with the word “banana” on lines 3 through 5 of the file fruits.txt, you can use the following command:

sed '3,5s/apple/banana/' fruits.txt 

Deleting Lines in File using Sed

6. Delete first line from file

To delete a line that contains a certain string, you can use the /pattern/d command. For example, to delete all lines that contain the word “apple” in the file fruits.txt, you can use the following command:

sed '1d' fruits.txt 

7. Delete line contains certain string

To delete a line that contains a certain string, you can use the '/pattern/d' command. For example, to delete all lines that contain the word “apple” in the file fruits.txt, you can use the following command:

sed '/apple/d' fruits.txt 

8. Delete lines except the matching string

To invert the matching lines, you can use the `!` operator in combination with other commands. For example, to delete all lines that contain the word “apple” in the file fruits.txt, you can use the following command:

sed '/apple/!d' fruits.txt 

9. Delete the range of lines

To delete a range of lines, you can use the startLineNumber,endLineNumberd command. For example, to delete lines 3 through 5 of the file fruits.txt, you can use the following command:

sed '3,5d' fruits.txt 

10. Delete empty lines from file

You can remove the empty lines from the file using '/^$/d' option.

sed '/^$/d' fruits.txt 

This command consider a line as empty, that doesn’t contain any character, even a single space.

Printing Lines from File using Sed

11. Print line numbers only

To print only the line numbers of matching lines, you can use the '/pattern/=' command. For example, to print the line numbers of all lines that contain the word “apple” in the file fruits.txt, you can use the following command:

sed '/apple/=' fruits.txt 

12. Print the range of file

To print a range of lines, you can use the 'start,endp' commands. For example, to print the first 10 lines of the file fruits.txt, you can use the following command:

sed -n '1,10p' fruits.txt 

Inserting Lines to File using Sed

13. Insert a new line after matching pattern

To insert a line after a certain pattern, you can use the '/pattern/anewline' command. For example, to insert the line “grapes” after the line that contains the word “apple” in the file fruits.txt, you can use the following command:

sed '/apple/agrapes' fruits.txt 

14. Insert a new line before matching pattern

To insert a line before a certain pattern, you can use the '/pattern/inewline' command. For example, to insert the line “grapes” before the line that contains the word “apple” in the file fruits.txt, you can use the following command:

sed '/apple/igrapes' fruits.txt 

Other Tasks using Sed

15. Change Case of Characters

To change the case of a string, you can use the 'y/old/new/' command. For example, to change all lowercase letters to uppercase in the file fruits.txt, you can use the following command:

sed 'y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/' fruits.txt 


We hope these examples have been helpful in showing you the versatility of the sed command. Remember that sed is a very powerful tool and it’s important to test your commands carefully before using them on important files. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to ask. With these practical examples under your belt, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the sed command and becoming a proficient Linux administrator.