Bash is a popular shell used in most Linux distributions. It provides various I/O redirection techniques that allow users to control how input and output are processed in their commands and scripts. One of the most commonly used I/O redirection techniques is 2>&1, which redirects standard error (stderr) to standard output (stdout).

In this article, we will provide a beginner’s guide to understanding 2>&1 in Bash.

What is 2>&1?

2>&1 is an I/O redirection operator used in Bash that redirects the stderr stream to the same destination as the stdout stream. In other words, it merges the error output with the regular output, making it easier to capture and handle errors.

The syntax for using 2>&1 is as follows:

In this syntax, ‘command’ is the command that is being executed, and ‘2>&1’ is the I/O redirection operator that redirects stderr to stdout.

Why use 2>&1?

Using 2>&1 is useful for capturing and handling errors in Bash scripts. By redirecting stderr to stdout, you can capture both regular output and error output in a single stream, which makes it easier to analyze and handle errors. This can be especially useful in scripts that require error handling, where you need to know if a command executed successfully or encountered an error.

Example Usage

Here’s an example of how to use 2>&1 in a Bash script:


ls /not_a_directory > /dev/null 2>&1

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then

  echo “Error: Directory not found”


In this example, the ‘ls’ command is executed on a non-existent directory ‘/not_a_directory’. The output of this command is redirected to ‘/dev/null’, which discards it. The stderr output is redirected to stdout using 2>&1, which allows it to be captured in the if statement. If the exit status ($?) of the command is not equal to 0, an error message is printed.


In conclusion, 2>&1 is an I/O redirection operator used in Bash that redirects stderr to stdout. It is useful for capturing and handling errors in Bash scripts, where you need to know if a command executed successfully or encountered an error. By merging the error output with the regular output, it makes it easier to analyze and handle errors. Understanding the basics of 2>&1 is essential for anyone working with Bash scripts and commands.