The php.ini file is a configuration file used by PHP to specify settings for your web server, such as file upload size, error reporting, and memory usage. However, the location of the php.ini file can vary depending on your server setup and operating system.

In this tutorial, we will explore a few methods to help you locate the correct php.ini file on your web server.

Method 1: Use phpinfo() function

The phpinfo() function displays detailed information about your PHP configuration, including the location of your php.ini file. To use this function, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new PHP file on your web server. You can name it anything you like, but for this tutorial, we will name it phpinfo.php.
  2. Open the phpinfo.php file in a text editor and add the following code:
  3. Save the file and upload it to your web server using FTP or your web hosting control panel.
  4. Open your web browser and navigate to the URL of the phpinfo.php file, for example Replace “” with your own domain name.

You should see a page with detailed information about your PHP configuration. Look for the “Loaded Configuration File” section, which should contain the full path to your php.ini file.

Where is php.ini?  Find the Correct PHP Configuration File General Articles
Locate php.ini with phpinfo()

Method 2: Use the command line

If you have access to the command line, you can use the `php --ini` command to find the location of the php.ini file. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your web server using SSH or another terminal application.
  2. Type the following command and press Enter:
    php --ini | grep php.ini
  3. This command will display a list of all the php.ini files that are currently being used, as well as their locations.
Where is php.ini?  Find the Correct PHP Configuration File General Articles
Locate php.ini for CLI

Method 3: Check default locations

Depending on your operating system and server configuration, the php.ini file may be located in one of the default locations. Here are some common default locations:

On Linux:

  • /etc/php.ini
  • /etc/phpX/apache2/php.ini (where X is the PHP version)

On Windows:

  • C:Windowsphp.ini
  • C:phpphp.ini

You can try searching for the php.ini file in these locations using your FTP or file manager.

If none of these methods work, you can contact your web hosting provider or system administrator for assistance in locating the php.ini file on your server.


The php.ini file is an essential configuration file for PHP. By following the methods outlined in this tutorial, you should be able to locate the correct php.ini file on your web server. Remember, the location of the php.ini file can vary depending on your server setup and operating system, so it’s important to double-check the location before making any changes to the file.