As a Linux or Unix user, you are likely to encounter the Bash shell, which is the default command-line interface on most distributions. Bash built-in commands are essential for effectively navigating and controlling your system. These commands are executed directly by the shell, without requiring external binaries. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to Bash built-in commands, including a detailed list in tabular format for easy reference.

Overview of Bash Built-In Commands

Bash built-in commands offer several advantages compared to external utilities. They are generally faster, as they do not require the overhead of launching a new process. Furthermore, they can access and modify the shell environment directly, which is essential for many operations like setting variables or changing directories.

The following table lists the most common Bash built-in commands, along with a brief description and example usage:

Command Description Example Usage
alias Create or display command aliases alias ll=’ls -la’
bg Resume a suspended job in the background bg %1
cd Change the current directory cd ~/Documents
echo Display a line of text echo “Hello, World!”
eval Execute a command stored in a variable or string eval $my_command
exec Replace the shell process with the specified command exec python3
exit Terminate the shell exit
export Set environment variables export PATH=$PATH:/new/directory
fg Bring a background job to the foreground fg %1
history Display or manipulate command history history
jobs List active jobs in the shell jobs
kill Send a signal to a process kill -9 12345
pwd Print the current working directory pwd
read Read a line from standard input read user_input
readonly Mark a variable or function as read-only readonly my_variable
set Set or display shell options and positional parameters set -o vi
shift Shift positional parameters shift
test Evaluate a conditional expression test -d /my/directory && echo “Yes”
times Display process times times
type Display the type of a command type ls
ulimit Set or display resource limits ulimit -n 4096
umask Set or display the file mode creation mask umask 022
unalias Remove command aliases unalias ll
unset Remove variables, functions, or shell options unset my_variable
wait Wait for a background job to complete wait %1


Bash built-in commands are powerful tools that can help you become more efficient and effective at the command line. By mastering these commands, you can optimize your workflow, automate tasks, and troubleshoot issues with ease. Use the table provided in this article as a reference, and don’t hesitate to explore additional resources or consult the built-in help system (using help or command –help) to expand your knowledge further.