Nagios is free and open-source software for monitoring systems, networks, and infrastructures. It is a powerful monitoring system that allows you to detect and fix problems in your IT infrastructure.

Nagios helps you detect all kinds of network and server problems, provides active monitoring for your entire infrastructure and business processes, and provides an alert service for any problem that occurs in your infrastructure.

This tutorial will show you how to install Nagios on Debian Buster 10. We will manually install Nagios Core 4.4.5 and Nagios Plugins 2.3.2 from source.


For this guide, we will install Nagios on Debian Buster 10 with 2 GB RAM, 25 free disk space, and 2 CPUs.

What are we going to do?

  • Install packages Dependencies
  • Compile and install Nagios Core 4.4.5
  • Compile and install Nagios Plugins 2.3.2
  • Set up Apache web server
  • Set up Nagios Core
  • Testing

Step 1 – Install package dependencies

First we install the package dependencies for compiling and installing Nagios, including GCC for compilation, Apache and PHP packages for the Nagios frontend.

Install the dependent packages using the apt command below.

sudo apt install build-essential unzip openssl libssl-dev apache2 php libapache2-mod-php php-gd libgd-dev

Once the installation is complete, we can compile and install Nagios.

Step 2 – Install Nagios Core

In this section, we will install Nagios Core 4.4.5 from source code. We will download the source code of Nagios Core, compile it and install it on the Debian 10 system.

Download the Nagios Core source code using the wget command below.


Unzip the Nagios Core source code and change to the appropriate directory.

tar -xf nagios-4.4.5.tar.gz
cd nagios-4.4.5/

How to Install Nagios on Debian Debian linux

Compile the Nagios Core with the following command.

./configure --with-httpd-conf=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled
make all

How to Install Nagios on Debian Debian linux

Then create a new Nagios user and a new Nagios group and add the Nagios user to “www-data”.

make install-groups-users
usermod -aG nagios www-data

Install the Nagios binaries, CGIs and HTML files.

make install

Install the Nagios core service file for systemd.

make install-daemoninit

Install and configure the external command mode.

make install-commandmode

Install an example of the Nagios configurations on the system.

make install-config

Now install the Apache web server configurations for the Nagios frontend.

make install-webconf

This completes the installation of Nagios Core. The default installation directory for Nagios Core is located in the “” directory.

Step 3 – Install Nagios plugins

Nagios Core needs a Nagios plugin to work properly. It allows you to monitor your infrastructure with Nagios, including operating systems, services, databases, logs and more.

By default, the Nagios plugins provide over 50 plugins for monitoring your basic infrastructure.

For this step, we will use the latest version of the Nagios plugin 2.3.2 from the source code.

Download the source code of the Nagios plugins using the wget command below.


Unzip the source code of the Nagios plugins and change to the current directory.

tar -xf nagios-plugins-2.3.2.tar.gz
cd nagios-plugins-2.3.2/

Compile Nagios Plugins with the following command.

./configure --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-group=nagios --with-openssl

Then install the Nagios plugins with the following command.

make install

As a result, the Nagios plugins are now installed on Debian 10. The default installation directory is located in the directory “”.

Go to the directory “” and check all files of the Nagios plugins.

cd /usr/local/nagios/libexec
ls -la

Below you can see the result you will get.

How to Install Nagios on Debian Debian linux

Step 4 – Set up the Apache web server

The default Apache configuration for Nagios is automatically created during the Nagios installation section.

In this step, we need to enable the Apache modules (rwrite and cgi) and secure the Nagios dashboard with a new basic authentication.

Activate the Apache modules for Nagios using the “a2enmod” command below.

a2enmod rewrite cgi

Next, use the htpasswd command to create a new password authentication for Nagios with the user “nagiosadmin”.

htpasswd -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin

Enter your password for the user “nagiosadmin” and you have already created a basic authentication for Nagios.

Now change the owner and authorization of the Nagios basic authentication file.

chown www-data.www-data /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users
chmod 640 /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users

Then restart the Apache2 service.

systemctl restart apache2
systemctl is-enabled apache2

This completes the Apache2 configuration for Nagios.

How to Install Nagios on Debian Debian linux

Step 5 – Set up Nagios Core

By default, the Nagios core is located in the “” directory.

Now go to the directory “” and edit the Nagios configuration “nagios.cfg” with the editor vim.

vim /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg

Save the comments in the configuration.


Save and close.

Now create a new directory for the server configurations ‘/usr/local/nagios/etc/servers’.

mkdir -p /usr/local/nagios/etc/servers

This will save all Nagios client configurations in the ‘/usr/local/nagios/etc/servers’ directory.

Next, edit the Nagios contact configuration and change the contact email with your own.

Edit the Nagios contact configuration “” with the editor vim.

vim /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/contacts.cfg

In the configuration “define contact { … }’, change the e-mail address to your own.

define contact {
    email   [email protected];

Save and close.

Now check the Nagios configuration and make sure that there are no errors.

/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg

How to Install Nagios on Debian Debian linux

Then restart the Nagios service and add it to the system startup.

systemctl restart nagios
systemctl enable nagios

If the Nagios service is running, check it with the following command.

systemctl status nagios

Below you can see the result you will get.

How to Install Nagios on Debian Debian linux

Step 6 – Testing

Open your web browser and enter the IP address of the server followed by the path “”.

Now you will be asked for the Apache basic authentication for Nagios.

How to Install Nagios on Debian Debian linux

Enter the user “nagiosadmin” and the password with your own and then click on the “Login” button.

You will now see the Nagios dashboard as shown below.

How to Install Nagios on Debian Debian linux

This completes the Nagios installation on Debian 10.
