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Data transfer apps have made the process of switching to a new OS all the easier. Since you are reading this and want to know how to transfer data from Android to iPhone, I reckon you’ve already decided to switch your operating system. Good for you!

Depending upon your usage, transitioning from Android to iPhone can be a great choice. Apple has everything from a sleek interface to a fast processor and a top-notch privacy policy. However, switching operating systems also comes with the headache of transferring all the data.

While iOS has an intelligent feature that swiftly transfers all the data from an old iPhone to a new one during setup, transferring data from an Android to an iPhone is a whole different challenge altogether. But Apple is ahead of all the possible challenges that the users might face. 

They’ve introduced their own official app, “Move to iOS,”🥳that makes data transfer between Android and iPhone a piece of cake🍰. In this post, I review this app while revealing additional third-party apps that allow you to transfer data from Android to iPhone. Here’s a sneak peek at those additional apps in the table below:




Tenorshare iCareFone iTransGo

Easy data transfer between iPhone and Android.


Data transfer without factory reset or internet.

iMobie AnyTrans

Quick transfer, including call logs and files.

Why Switch from Android to iOS

Apple is known for its luxury products, a mark of wealth. But there’s a reason why iPhones have such hefty price tags and why we’re still willing to cash out 1,000s on each launch. 

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They’re pretty technologically advanced, with amazing interfaces, powerful integration abilities, and innovative features. If you’re not all about customizing your device to the core, and you switch over to an iPhone, you’ll know just how amazing it is. This comes from a former advocate of Android phones but a staunch user of iOS now.

Many Android users are shifting to iPhones at an alarming rate and for all the right reasons. Here are some reasons people prefer iPhones to any other device in the market. 

#1. User-friendly Interface ☝🏻

There is no doubt that Android has some powerful customization capabilities. Thanks to the massive catalog of apps on Play Store, you can personalize your phone in many ways. However, customizing your Android phone requires you to have some degree of knowledge and skills.

If you’re not well-versed in the technicalities of the phone, you won’t be able to reap its full potential. On the other hand, the iPhone sports a straightforward and user-friendly interface.

Most of the essential features on iPhones are pre-installed on the phone, so you don’t have to spend hours learning the iOS interface. People with less than a fraction of tech knowledge can also use an iPhone like a pro. 

#2. Integrated Apple Ecosystem 📱

Google has been trying its best to create an interconnected ecosystem on Android phones, but you still need to install all the third-party apps of Google to make the most of the integration. 

In iPhones, though, the native integration creates a powerful ecosystem where everything is connected and interlinked. From iMessage to Photos and Apple Pay to iCloud, the seamless integration of all the native apps on iOS makes it a powerful device.

In addition, if you have other Apple devices, such as MacBook, iMac, or iPad, you can enjoy cross-device integration, such as transferring photos via AirDrop, with just one click. That’s how seamless it is.

Also read: How to Get into the Apple Ecosystem on the Cheap

#3. Privacy 🔒

The one thing Apple products are famous for and sell fast is their privacy policy. Many information security companies have unanimously agreed that iPhones are way more secure and safe than Android phones. 

No wonder 97% of smartphone malware attacks are done on Android phones, as per a report by Forbes. Moreover, third-party apps must ask users for explicit permission before using their data. This puts iOS at the top of the game regarding privacy and security. For these two reasons, Apple is a clear-cut winner.

If you’ve decided to switch to iPhone from Android, welcome to the cool people’s club. But before you get your iPhone up and running, you must transfer all the data from your old device. This is where things become bothersome. There’s no native feature in either device that allows seamless data transfer. 

However, Apple has introduced its official app to make the transfer easy, ‘Move to iOS’. Even Apple knows how many Android users are transitioning, so they’re ahead of the curve.

“Get closer than ever to your customer. So close, in fact, that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves”.

– Steve Jobs

Transfer Data with ‘Move To iOS’

Apple knows at some point, most Android users will consider shifting. Been there, done that. The one challenge you face while making the shift is transferring the data.

You’d want to transfer all the data from your Android to your iPhone, including your contacts, files, photos, videos, notes, calendars, message history, web bookmarks, and more. 

Here’s how you can transfer the data from your old Android device to your new and shiny iPhone using the ‘Move to iOS’ app. Before you start, below are a few things you should do: 

  • Ensure both devices are connected to their power sources and have WiFi enabled, preferably on the same network. This will prevent low battery life or no internet connection from interrupting the transfer. 
  • Ensure your new iOS device has the storage space to accommodate the data transferred to it, including the data in your Micro SD card.
  • For transferring Chrome bookmarks, you need to have the latest Chrome update on your Android phone.

All set? Here’s how to transfer the data now. 

Step 1: Install the Move to iOS app on your Android phone.

Step 2: Open the app on the Android device and tap on Continue to accept the T&C. In the next screen, you can choose to accept or refuse permission for usage data collection. 

Step 3: Enable your location data on the app when prompted. Then, navigate to Find your code on the next screen.

Step 4: Make sure your new iPhone is in reset condition. Once you turn it on, complete the on-screen instructions by selecting your preferences, such as language, country, etc. When you reach the Apps & Data Screen, tap Move Data from Android from the given options. 

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Step 5: Tap Continue. This will prompt your iPhone to create a 6 or 10-digit code, along with a temporary network.

Step 6: Enter the code you see on your iPhone into your Android phone within the Move to iOS app.

Step 7: Connect the Android phone with the temporary WiFi network your iPhone created by tapping Connect.

Step 8: Select the content you want to transfer.

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You can choose from: photos, videos, contacts, calendars, files, mail accounts, folders, message history, bookmarks, photo albums, Whatsapp messages and media, Accessibility Settings and Display Settings.

Books, music, and PDFs would have to be moved manually.

Step 9: Once selected, proceed to transfer. The loading bar will show the progress of the transfer. Wait for it to finish. Depending on the volume of data you’re transferring, the process could take a while to complete, so you can leave both your phones alone and maybe have a cup of coffee☕in the meantime.

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Step 10: Once the transfer is finished, tap Done on your Android device and Continue on your iPhone. Follow the instructions to finish the setup on your iPhone.

Finally, check if all the data has been successfully transferred.

Alternatives To ‘Move To iOS’

While Move to iOS is Apple’s native solution for transferring data, there are several alternatives to it. Some of these third-party apps have more features and faster transfer capabilities. Here are some great options you can consider:

Tenorshare iCareFone iTransGo is an easy-to-use data transfer app that allows you to transfer content from iPhone to iPhone, Android to Android, and even Android to iPhone. 

The app’s simple interface allows you to choose the data category you want to transfer while ensuring that none of the data is overwritten but merged with the target device. It’s compatible with iPhones, Macs, Android devices, and PCs. 

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You can easily transfer all forms of data from photos, contacts, messages, videos, calendars, and even music (something Move to iOS doesn’t allow.)

Transferring the data is also simple. Just connect the devices, launch the program, select the data you want to transfer and wait for the process to finish. It’s the best option to Move to iOS.

Read a full review of Tenorshare iCareFone iTransGo

#2. MobileTrans

MobileTrans allows you to transfer various types of data without a factory reset. This makes moving the data from one device to another extremely easy. You also don’t need access to the internet, unlike other data-sharing apps that require you to have either a cellular network or a WiFi.

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Using the tool, you can easily share Whatsapp messages, photos, videos, documents, contacts, apps, messages, calendars, call logs, and music with a nearby device or remotely.

Some of the capabilities of MobileTrans are unmatched. So, if you want to transfer data without the internet remotely, you’ve found your match. 

#3. iMobie AnyTrans

Speaking of the best data-sharing apps, it would be criminal not to mention iMobie AnyTrans. This solution performs better than Move to iOS in several regards. For one thing, it can move call logs to the new device in under a second, while Move to iOS has no such option.

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It can also transfer music, imported videos, ringtones, books and PDFs, and files, including compressed ones and documents. Of course, it also transfers the basic ones, such as messages, photos and videos, contacts, calendars, and more. 

The speed of the transfer is also incredible. If you want to move more categories of data from your Android to iOS device, I strongly recommend iMobie AnyTrans. 

Closing Thoughts

Transferring data from an Android phone to an iPhone can be a bothersome task. However, if you’ve decided to make the switch, you need to master this challenge. Thankfully, you have plenty of methods and options to choose from.

Apart from using the official app of Apple – Move to iOS, you can check out the third-party options mentioned. While all these apps do the basic task of transferring data pretty well, they have some nuances. It’s important to do your research right before choosing the best data-sharing app for your needs. Best of luck with that!

Want to transfer data to your Mac instead? Check out the best tools to transfer files from Android to Mac.