Sed, short for “stream editor”, is a powerful text-processing tool that is commonly used in Linux and Unix systems. It can perform a wide range of operations on text files, including searching, replacing, inserting, and deleting lines. One common task that users often need to perform with Sed is uncommenting lines in a text file. In this article, we’ll provide a guide to mastering Sed and using it to uncomment lines in text files.

Before we dive into the specifics of using Sed to uncomment lines, let’s first define what we mean by “uncommenting.” In programming, a comment is a line of code that is ignored by the compiler or interpreter. It is used to add notes, explanations, or other information to the code without affecting its functionality. Comments are typically denoted by a special character or sequence of characters, such as “#” in shell scripts, “//” in C , or “/* */” in Java.

Uncomment lines in text files

To uncomment a line in a text file means to remove the comment characters and make the line active or executable. For example, consider the following shell script:


# This is a comment

echo “Hello, World!” # This is another comment

In this script, the first line is called a “shebang” and tells the system what interpreter to use to execute the script. The second and third lines are comments that provide information about the script but are not executed. The fourth line is the actual command that prints “Hello, World!” to the console.

If we wanted to uncomment the third line and make it executable, we would remove the “#” character before the “echo” command:


# This is a comment

echo “Hello, World!”

Now that we understand the concept of uncommenting lines, let’s see how we can use Sed to accomplish this task. Sed uses regular expressions, or regex, to match patterns in text files and apply transformations to them. To uncomment a line, we need to search for the comment characters at the beginning of the line and delete them.

Here’s the basic syntax for using Sed to uncomment lines in a text file:

sed ‘s/^#//’ inputfile > outputfile

Let’s break down this command:

  • sed is the Sed command itself
  • s stands for “substitute,” which is the operation we want to perform
  • /^#/ is the regex pattern we want to match. The “^” character means “beginning of the line,” and “#” is the comment character we want to remove.
  • // is the replacement string, which is empty in this case. This means we’re deleting the comment characters and not replacing them with anything.
  • inputfile is the name of the file we want to modify
  • > is a redirect operator that sends the output to a new file instead of the console
  • outputfile is the name of the new file that will contain the uncommented version of the input file

Here’s an example of how we would use this command to uncomment lines in a shell script:

sed ‘s/^#//’ >

This command will read the contents of, remove the “#” characters from any lines that begin with them, and write the result to a new file called

Note that this command will only remove the comment characters from the beginning of the line. If there are comment characters in the middle of a line, they will not be affected. To remove all comment characters in a file, we can modify the regex pattern to match any occurrence of “#” and delete it:

sed ‘s/#//’ inputfile > outputfile

This command will remove all “#” characters in the file, regardless of where they appear.

It’s worth noting that the Sed command we’ve shown so far will modify the input file directly. If you want to create a new file with the uncommented version of the input file, you can use the “> outputfile” syntax, as we’ve done in the examples above.

If you want to modify the input file directly, you can use the “-i” option, which stands for “in-place”:

sed i ‘s/^#//’ inputfile

This command will remove the “#” characters from the input file itself, without creating a new file.

Another useful option in Sed is the “-e” option, which allows you to specify multiple Sed commands in a single command line. This can be handy if you want to perform multiple transformations on a file:

sed e ‘s/^#//’ e ‘s/^ *//’ inputfile > outputfile

This command will first remove the “#” characters from any lines that begin with them, and then remove any spaces that appear at the beginning of each line.


In conclusion, mastering Sed is an essential skill for any Linux or Unix user who works with text files. Using Sed to uncomment lines in a file is a common task that can be accomplished easily with the “s/^#//” command. By combining this command with other Sed features, you can perform powerful text processing operations on your files and automate many tedious tasks.