In programming, finding the remainder of a division is a common task. In Bash, the modulus operator “%” can be used to calculate the remainder of a division. However, the output of the modulus operator can be negative when dealing with negative numbers. Therefore, it is important to understand how to handle negative numbers when calculating the remainder in Bash.

In this article, we will discuss how to calculate the remainder of a division in Bash and how to handle negative numbers.

Method 1: Using the Modulus Operator (%)

The Modulus operator, represented by the symbol %, is a binary operator that returns the remainder of the division operation. To calculate the remainder using the modulus operator, simply use the operator between the dividend and divisor. Here’s an example:

echo $(( 15 % 4 )) 

Output: 3

In the above example, we used the modulus operator to calculate the remainder when 15 is divided by 4. The result is an integer value of 3.

Method 2: Using the expr Command

The expr command is a command-line calculator that can perform various mathematical operations, including the remainder operation. To calculate the remainder using the expr command, use the mod keyword followed by the dividend and divisor separated by a space. Here’s an example:

expr 15 % 4 

Output: 3

In the above example, we used the expr command to calculate the remainder when 15 is divided by 4. The result is an integer value of 3.

Method 3: Using the bc Command

The bc command is a command-line calculator that supports arbitrary-precision arithmetic and can perform various mathematical operations, including the remainder operation. To calculate the remainder using the bc command, use the % operator followed by the dividend and divisor separated by a space. Here’s an example:

echo "15 % 4" | bc 

Output: 3

In the above example, we used the echo command to send the mathematical expression 15 % 4 to the bc command, which then returned the remainder as an integer value of 3.

Method 4: Using the awk Command

The awk command is a powerful text processing tool that can also perform mathematical operations. To calculate the remainder using the awk command, use the modulo operator % followed by the dividend and divisor separated by a space within the awk command. Here’s an example:

echo "15 4" | awk '{print $1 % $2}' 

Output: 3

In the above example, we used the echo command to send the dividend and divisor as a space-separated string to the awk command. Then, we used the modulo operator within the awk command to calculate the remainder when 15 is divided by 4. The result is an integer value of 3.

Method 5: Using a User-Defined Function

We can also create a user-defined function to calculate the remainder in Bash. Here’s an example:


function remainder() {

    local dividend=$1

    local divisor=$2

    local result=$((dividend % divisor))

    echo $result


remainder 15 4

In the above example, we defined a function called remainder that takes two arguments dividend and divisor. The function calculates the remainder using the modulus operator and stores the result in a local variable called result. Finally, the function prints the result using the echo command.


Calculating the remainder of a division operation is a common task in programming, and Bash provides various ways to perform this operation. In this article, we have discussed five methods to calculate the remainder in Bash, including using the modulus operator, the expr command, the bc command, the awk command, and a user-defined function. You can choose the method that best suits your needs depending on the complexity of your calculations and the specific requirements of your code.

It is worth noting that while these methods work for integer values, the division operation for floating-point numbers requires a different approach. In such cases, it is recommended to use the bc command, which supports arbitrary-precision arithmetic and can handle floating-point numbers with high accuracy.

In summary, understanding how to calculate the remainder in Bash is an important skill for any programmer working with numerical data. By mastering the methods described in this article, you can perform efficient and accurate remainder operations in your Bash scripts and command-line applications.