Wiki.js is free and open-source wiki software based on Node.js, Git, and Markdown. It’s released under the AGPL-v3 License and designed for performance and conservation system resources. Wiki.js is a powerful Wiki software that can be installed anywhere on your system; you can install it on your operating system or using cloud services such as Heroku and also deploy Wiki.js on your container environments such as Docker and Kubernetes.

Wiki.js is compatible with the PostgreSQL database and provides 50 integrations for additional authentication, logging systems, search engines, rendering, and storage. It’s powerful Wiki software built on beautiful and intuitive interfaces for the administration dashboard and pages. it’s fully customizable wiki software for documenting your tech stack.

In this guide, you will install and configure Wiki.js on an Ubuntu 22.04 server, using PostgreSQL as the default database and Apache2 as a reverse proxy. Also, you will have a secure HTTPS/SSL connection on your Wiki.js installation. When you are finished, you will have a fully functional and secured Wiki.js on your Ubuntu system.


To complete this guide, you will first need the following requirements:

  • An Ubuntu 22.04 server.
  • A non-root user with root/administrator privileges.
  • A domain name pointed to your Ubuntu server IP address.

Installing Node.js

Before installing Wiki.js, you must install the dependencies that Wiki.js requires.

Wiki.js is a wiki software mainly written in JavaScript so that you will install the JavaScript runtime Node.js in this first step. The default Ubuntu repository provides the Node.js package, but for this guide, you will use the Nodesource repository to install Node.js.

Run the curl command below to add the Nodesource repository to your Ubuntu system. At the time of this writing, Wiki.js required at least Node.js v8 and above. And for this guide, you will install the LTS version of Node.js v16.

curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -

<img alt="add nodesource repository" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="237" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”750″>

Now you can install the Node.js package using the apt command below.

sudo apt install nodejs

<img alt="install nodejs lts" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="177" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”750″>

After installation is completed, check and verify the Node.js version using the following command. You should see the Node.js v16 LTS version on your terminal screen.

node --version

npm --version

<img alt="check node version" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="154" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”603″>

Installing PostgreSQL Database

The default WIki.js supports multiple RDBMS such as PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB, and SQLite (default), but the recommended database for production is PostgreSQL. You will install the PostgreSQL package on the Ubuntu system, then create the database and user for the Wiki.js.

To get started, run the following apt command to install PostgreSQL database on your server. Input Y to confirm the installation and press ENTER to continue, and the installation will begin.

sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-common

<img alt="install postgresql" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="308" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”750″>

When the installation is finished, run the following systemctl command to check and verify the PostgreSQL service. And you should see the PostgreSQL service is enabled, which means it will automatically start at system boot. And the current status of the PostgreSQL service is “Active“.

sudo systemctl is-enabled postgresql

sudo systemctl status postgresql

Log in to the PostgreSQL console using the command below to create the PostgreSQL database and user.

sudo -u postgres psql

Run the following command from your PostgreSQL console to create a new database and user for the Wiki.js. In this example, we’re creating a database “wikijs” and the user “wiki” with the password “wikijspassword“.




Now you can use “Ctrl d” to exit from the PostgreSQL console, or simply use the command “q” for quit.

<img alt="create database postgresql" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="302" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”750″>

Installing Wiki.js

You will now install the Wiki.js manually to your Ubuntu system. Through this guide, you will create a system user for Wiki.js, download the Wiki.js source code, set up Wiki.js with the PostgreSQL database, and lastly, you will run the Wiki.js as a systemd service.

First, run the following command to create a new user for Wiki.js. In this example, we’re creating a new system user named “wiki” with the default home directory “/opt/wikijs” and because this is a system user, we are disabling the shell access.

sudo useradd -r -d /opt/wikijs -s /usr/sbin/nologin wiki

Now download the Wiki.js source code using the wget command below.


When the download is finished, create a new directory “/opt/wikijs” and extract the Wiki.js source code into it. You should see the Wiki.js source code is available on the installation directory ““.

mkdir -p /opt/wikijs

tar xzf wiki-js.tar.gz -C /opt/wikijs

To set up the Wiki.js with the PostgreSQL database, you will copy the default sample configuration “config.sample.yml” and modify/edit it using your text editor.

Run the following command to copy the example Wiki.js configuration file to “/opt/wikijs/config.yml”. Then, edit the new file “/opt/wikijs/config.yml” using nano editor.

cp /opt/wikijs/config.sample.yml /opt/wikijs/config.yml

nano /opt/wikijs/config.yml

Change the default configuration as below.

In this example, we will run the Wiki.js on the default TCP port “3000“. Be sure to change the PostgreSQL database name, user, and password. On the “bindIP” option, change to localhost or ““. For the Wiki.js log configuration, we will use the default level “info” with the format “json“.

# default port wikijs will run

port: 3000

# PostgreSQL database details


  type: postgres

  host: localhost

  port: 5432

  user: wiki

  pass: wikijspassword

  db: wikijs

  ssl: false

# bind wikijs to localhost only


# setup log and the format

loglevel: info

logFormat: json

Save and close the file when you are done.

<img alt="download and configure wikijs" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="218" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”750″>

Now run the chown command below to change the ownership of the Wiki.js installation directory “” to the user “wiki”.

sudo chown -R wiki:wiki /opt/wikijs

In this example, we will run Wiki.js as a systemd service. So, you need to create a new systemd service file for Wiki.js.

Run the following command to create a new systemd service file “”.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/wikijs.service

Add the following configuration to the file.


Description=Wiki.js postgresql.service[Service]


ExecStart=/usr/bin/node server






Save and close the file when you are done.

Next, run the following command to reload the system manager and apply the new service file “wikijs.service

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

You can now start and enable the “wikijs” service using the following command.

sudo systemctl start wikijs

sudo systemctl enable wikijs

<img alt="setup wikijs systemd service" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="142" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”750″>

Lastly, check and verify the “wikijs” service using the following command. You should now see the “wikijs” service is running on the default TCP port “3000” with PostgreSQL as the default database.

sudo systemctl status wikijs

<img alt="check wikijs service" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="198" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”750″>

Setting up Apache2 as Reverse Proxy

In this example, Wiki.js is now running on the TCP port “3000”. To expose to outside networks or the internet, it’s better to set up the reverse proxy in front of Wiki.js and apply the HTTPS/SSL on top of it to protect any credentials and log-in. You will also use Apache2 as the reverse proxy for Wiki.js.

Run the apt command below to install the Apache2 package. Input Y to confirm the installation and press ENTER to continue, and the installation will begin.

sudo apt install apache2

<img alt="install apache2" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="275" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”750″>

After installation is finished, run the “ufw” command below to open the HTTP and HTTPS ports on your ubuntu system. Then, verify the list of UFW rules.

sudo ufw allow "Apache Full"

sudo ufw status

<img alt="allow apache2 ufw" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="302" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”627″>

Next, enable some Apache2 modules using the following command. You will use these modules for setting up the Apache2 reverse proxy.

sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_http ssl remoteip http2

<img alt="enable apache2 modules" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="284" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”750″>

Now create a new Apache2 vitual host configuyration “/etc/apache2/sites-available/wikijs.conf” using the following command.

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/wikijs.conf

Add the following configuration to the file. In this example, we will use the domain “” for the Wiki.js installation and the SSL certificates from letsencrypt. Be sure to change the domain name and path of the SSL certificates.


    # Comment to prevent HTTP to HTTPS redirect

    Redirect permanent /

    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/

    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ combined


    ProxyPreserveHost On

    ProxyPass "" ""

    ProxyPassReverse "" ""

    SSLEngine on

    SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

    Protocols h2 http/1.1

    # Enable only strong encryption ciphers and prefer versions with forwarding Secrecy

    SSLCipherSuite HIGH:RC4-SHA:AES128-SHA:!aNULL:!MD5

    SSLHonorCipherOrder on

    # Disable insecure SSL and TLS versions

    SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3 -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1

    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/

    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ combined

Save and close the file when you are done.

Next, activate the virtual host file ‘wikijs.conf” using the following command.

sudo a2ensite wikijs.conf

Check and verify the Aache2 configuration using the following command. if you get the output message such as “Syntax OK“, it means the Apache2 configuration is ready. Then, restart the Apache2 service to apply new changes.

sudo apachectl configtest

sudo systemctl restart apache2

<img alt="configure apache2 virtual host" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="271" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”750″>

Configuring Wiki.js Installation

Open your web browser and visit the domain name of your Wiki.js installation (i.e:

Input the new administrator email, password, and site URL for your Wiki.js installation. Then, click the “INSTALL” button to start the installation.

<img alt="install wiki.js" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="743" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”750″>

After installation is finished, you will see the login page of Wiki.js. input the admin email and password and click “Log in“.

<img alt="login wiki.js" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="310" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”750″>

You now will see the welcome message from Wiki.js. Click the button “CREATE HOME PAGE” to set up the default index page for your Wiki.js.

<img alt="welcome create homepage" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="440" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”693″>

Choose the editor you want to use. In this example, we will use the Markdown editor.

<img alt="choose editor" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="633" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”714″>

Input the title, description, and the others. Then click “OK“.

<img alt="create homepage" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="508" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”750″>

Type details index page for your Wiki.js and click “CREATE” to confirm.

<img alt="edit homepage wiki.js" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="197" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”750″>

And you should see the default home page of the Wiki.js that you just created.

<img alt="wiki.js homepage" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="369" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”750″>

To access the Wiki.js administration dashboard, click the gear settings icon on the top left. You should see the Wiki.js administration dashboard below.

<img alt="wiki.js admin dashboard" data-ezsrc="" ezimgfmt="rs rscb10 src ng ngcb9" height="478" loading="lazy" src="data:image/svg xml,” width=”750″>


In this tutorial, you have set up Wiki.js on top of the PostgreSQL database and Apache2 reverse proxy, running on the latest Ubuntu server 22.04. You have also secured your Wiki.js with a UFW firewall and SSL/HTTPS enabled on the Apache reverse proxy. In the end, you have also configured the default homepage or index for your Wiki.js installation.

You can create additional content and set up categories for your Wiki project. You can also add some modules to your Wiki.js to extend its functionality or set up new themes for Wiki.js.