MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system used by millions of developers worldwide. While it is essential to monitor running processes in MySQL, it is also important to terminate any processes that are no longer needed. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to kill running processes in MySQL.

Before killing a prociess you need find the Process ID (PID) of a running MySQL process. You can use the following command in the MySQL command-line client:

This command displays a list of all active MySQL connections and their associated process IDs. The PID is displayed in the Id column of the output.

Now use one of the below methods to kill that process.

Method 1: Using the KILL Command

The KILL command is a useful tool for terminating running processes in MySQL. It allows you to terminate a specific process by specifying its process ID (PID).

To use the KILL command, log in to the MySQL server as a user with sufficient privileges and execute the following command:

Replace `[process ID]` with the ID of the process that you want to terminate. You can find the process ID by using the SHOW PROCESSLIST command or by querying the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST table.

For example, to terminate a process with ID 12345, execute the following command:

After executing the KILL command, the process will be terminated immediately.

Method 2: Using the MySQL Workbench Tool

If you prefer to use a graphical tool to manage running processes in MySQL, the MySQL Workbench tool is a good option. It provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily view and manage all active connections to the MySQL server.

To use the MySQL Workbench tool to kill running processes, follow these steps:

  1. Open the MySQL Workbench tool and connect to your MySQL server.
  2. From the main menu, select Server > Data Export > Advanced Options.
  3. In the Advanced Options dialog box, select the Processes tab.
  4. The Processes tab displays information about all active connections to the MySQL server. Select the process or processes that you want to terminate.
  5. Click on the Kill Process button in the toolbar.
  6. Confirm that you want to terminate the process by clicking on the Yes button in the confirmation dialog box.
  7. The selected process or processes will be terminated immediately.

Method 3: Using the MySQL Command-Line Client

You can also use the MySQL command-line client to kill running processes in MySQL. This method is similar to using the KILL command, but it provides a more user-friendly interface.

To use the MySQL command-line client to kill running processes, log in to the MySQL server as a user with sufficient privileges and execute the following command:

mysqladmin processlist 

This will display a table containing information about all running processes, including the process ID (Id), the user who initiated the process (User), the host from which the connection was made (Host), the name of the database being used (db), the type of command being executed (Command), and the current state of the process (State).

To terminate a specific process, execute the following command:

mysqladmin kill [process ID]

Replace [process ID] with the ID of the process that you want to terminate. After executing the command, the process will be terminated immediately.


In conclusion, killing running processes in MySQL is an important task for database administrators and developers. There are several methods that you can use to terminate running processes, including the KILL command, the MySQL Workbench tool, and the MySQL command-line client. By managing running processes, you can ensure that your MySQL database runs smoothly and efficiently.