Monitoring the status of critical services running on your Linux system is essential for ensuring smooth and uninterrupted operation. One way to achieve this is by using cron jobs to periodically check the status of these services and send notifications when their status changes.

In this article, we will explore how to set up a cron job to monitor the service status, and discuss different notification methods, including email, SMS, and push notifications.

Overview of Cron Jobs and Service Monitoring

Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like operating systems, allowing you to run scripts or commands at specified intervals. You can use cron jobs to automate various tasks, such as system maintenance, backups, and service monitoring.

Service monitoring involves checking the status of a running service to ensure its availability, performance, and proper functioning. By combining cron jobs with service monitoring, you can create an automated system that periodically checks the status of critical services and notifies you when an issue is detected.

Setting up a Cron Job to Check Service Status

First, create a shell script to check the status of the service you wish to monitor. In this example, we will check the status of the sshd service:



STATUS=“$(systemctl is-active $SERVICE)”

if [ “$STATUS” != “active” ]; then

echo “Service $SERVICE is not running”

# Send notification here


echo “Service $SERVICE is running”


Save this script as `` and make it executable with:

chmod  x 

Now, create a cron job to run this script at your desired interval. To edit your user’s crontab, run:

crontab -e 

Add the following line to run the script every 5 minutes:

*/5 * * * * /path/to/

Replace /path/to with the actual path to the script. Save the file and exit the editor to schedule the cron job.

Sending Notifications Based on Service Status

To send notifications when the service is not running, you can modify the script and add the desired notification method in the if block.

For example, to send an email notification, you can use the mail command:



STATUS=“$(systemctl is-active $SERVICE)”

if [ “$STATUS” != “active” ]; then

    echo “Service $SERVICE is not running” | mail s “Service $SERVICE Alert” $EMAIL


    echo “Service $SERVICE is running”


Make sure the `mailutils` package is installed on your system to use the `mail` command. You can install it with:

sudo apt install mailutils 

Exploring Different Notification Methods

Apart from email notifications, you can also use other notification methods like SMS or push notifications. Here are some examples:

SMS Notifications using Twilio API:

To send SMS notifications, you can use the Twilio API. First, install the twilio Python package:

pip install twilio 

Next, create a Python script named with the following content:

import os

from import Client

account_sid = os.environ[‘TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID’]

auth_token = os.environ[‘TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN’]

client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)

def send_sms(service, to_phone):

    message = client.messages.create(

        body=f“Service {service} is not running”,




Don’t forget to set the TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID, TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN, and TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER environment variables with your Twilio account information.

Finally, modify the script to call the script when the service is not running:



STATUS=“$(systemctl is-active $SERVICE)”

PHONE_NUMBER=” 1234567890″

if [ “$STATUS” != “active” ]; then

    echo “Service $SERVICE is not running”

    python /path/to/ “$SERVICE” “$PHONE_NUMBER”


    echo “Service $SERVICE is running”


Replace “/path/to” with the actual path to the “” script and “ 1234567890” with your phone number.

Push Notifications using Pushover API

To send push notifications, you can use the Pushover API. First, install the `python-pushover` package:

pip install python-pushover 

Next, create a Python script named with the following content:

import os

from pushover import Client

def send_push_notification(service, user_key, api_token):

    client = Client(user_key, api_token=api_token)

    client.send_message(f“Service {service} is not running”, title=“Service Alert”)

Finally, modify the script to call the script when the service is not running:



STATUS=“$(systemctl is-active $SERVICE)”



if [ “$STATUS” != “active” ]; then

    echo “Service $SERVICE is not running”

    python /path/to/ “$SERVICE” “$USER_KEY” “$API_TOKEN”


    echo “Service $SERVICE is running”


Replace “/path/to” with the actual path to the “” script, and enter your Pushover user key and API token.


In this article, we demonstrated how to use cron jobs to monitor and notify on service status in Linux systems. We discussed the basics of cron jobs and service monitoring, provided step-by-step instructions for setting up a cron job to check service status, and explored various notification methods, such as email, SMS, and push notifications.

By implementing this automated service monitoring system, you can ensure the smooth operation of your critical services and quickly address any issues that arise. Regular monitoring and timely notifications will help you maintain the health and performance of your Linux system, minimizing downtime and potential service disruptions.